Past event
9 Feb 2022 19:00

Great Freedom (Grosse Freiheit)

Austria, Germany, 2021, 117'
Directed by: Sebastian Meise

A story from postwar Germany, a time when the authorities continued to imprison homosexuals despite the fall of the Nazi regime. 

In postwar Germany Hans is imprisoned again and again for being homosexual. Behind prison bars is the only place where he can seek love. The one steady relationship in his life becomes his long-time cell mate, Viktor, a convicted murderer. What starts as revulsion grows into something called love. For 123 years, Paragraph 175 criminalized homosexuals. Those convicted were sentenced to prison terms of up to ten years. During the postwar years 100,000 men were brought to trial in West Germany alone.


Our main character, Hans, exemplifies the many fates of men who ended up in prison over and over again, whose lives and relationships were destroyed, and whose stories disappeared in the files of bureaucracy. Hans’ story is told based on his imprisonments. The walls and bars become a recurring constant that turns into a never-ending time loop. Hans can’t stop being who he is. He needs to continue because love is the essence of human nature. His very existence is rebellion. Sebastian Meise

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Great Freedom (Grosse Freiheit)

4 Feb 2022 19:00
5 Feb 2022 19:00
6 Feb 2022 17:00
7 Feb 2022 19:00
8 Feb 2022 17:00
9 Feb 2022 19:00
4 Feb 2022 19:00
5 Feb 2022 19:00
6 Feb 2022 17:00
7 Feb 2022 19:00
8 Feb 2022 17:00
9 Feb 2022 19:00
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5,50 EUR

4,80 EUR *

5 % popusta ob nakupu na

Directed by: Sebastian Meise
Screenplay: Sebastian Meise, Thomas Reider
Cinematography: Crystel Fournier    
Music Nils Petter Molvaer, Peter Brötzmann
Editing: Joana Scrinzi


Cast: Franz Rogowski (Hans), Georg Friedrich (Viktor), Anton von Lucke (Leo), Thomas Prenn (Oskar), Ulrich Faßnacht, Fabian Stumm

Festivals, awards (selection): Cannes 2021 (Un Certain Regard Jury Prize), Sarajevo 2021 (Best Film, Best Actor)

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Skrbno izbrano ponudba različnih izdelkov in spominkov, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z različnimi slovenskimi oblikovalci ali so plod dela oblikovalskega tima Cankarjevega doma.



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