Past event
13 Apr 2024 19:00

Guardians of the Formula (Čuvari formule)

Directed by: Dragan Bjelogrlić
Serbia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, 2023, 119'

Screenplay: Vuk Ršumović, Ognjen Sviličić, Dragan Bjelogrlić
Cinematography: Ivan Kostić
Cast: Alexis Manenti (prof. Mathé), Radivoje Bukvić (Dragoslav), Lionel Abelanski (dr. Jame), Jérémie Laheurte (Schwarzenberg), Olivier Barthelemy (Derval), Anne Serra (Odet Dragi), Predrag 'Miki' Manojlović (Pavle Savić), Dragan Bjelogrlić (Leka Ranković), Alisa Radaković (Rosa), Ognjen Mićović (Života), Jovan Jovanović (Radojko), Maja Čampar (Vera)
Subtitles: Slovenian
Language: French, Serbian

A semi-fictionalised dramatisation of events following a nuclear reactor leak at the Vinca Scientific Institute in Serbia, which presents opportunities for an innovative medical experimentation.

The work of renowned Parisian doctor Mathé from the Curie Institute is interrupted by the arrival of a Yugoslav state aeroplane with irradiated scientists on board. They were poisoned through their investigations into creating an atomic bomb, leaving Mathé outraged at having to help people whose work has been spreading the fear that the world could be wiped out at the touch of a button. Nevertheless, his humanistic personality leads him to treat them by conducting an experiment, since no cure has yet been invented. He proposes the first-ever human bone marrow transplant. Is it an experiment with living humans or does he truly want to help them?

The world is divided ideologically. The world is divided economically. Once again, we are on the brink of a great war. Only humanity and empathy can save us. In this movie I explored how the formula of death can become the formula of life.
Dragan Bjelogrlić

Nakup vstopnic

Guardians of the Formula (Čuvari formule)

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23 Feb 2024 19:00
5 Mar 2024 18:00
26 Mar 2024 18:00
13 Apr 2024 19:00
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6,30 EUR

5,30 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.



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