Past event
30 Dec 2021 19:00

Heavens Above (Nebesa)

Directed by Srdjan Dragojević
Serbia, Germany, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2021

Three surreal stories about the impact of God's miracles on three characters living in different time periods. A tragicomedy in Dragojević's signature, symbolistic visual style.

The first segment is set in 1993 among refugees from the Croatian War. After a freak accident with a bulb, Stojan, a saintly, selfless man, wakes up with a halo. As a life-long communist, he wants none of it. After consulting with a TV priest, his wife forces him to sin. In the second chapter, set in 2001, the intellectually challenged Gojko is sentenced to death after killing a businessman and his wife. Gojko believes his saint, St Petka, is talking to him using mobile phones. When a prison warden arrives to take him to the firing squad, he finds a surprise instead of Gojko. In 2026, Julija is a gallery owner, and Gojko, now diagnosed with schizophrenia, is a painter. When it turns out that Gojko's art can sate hunger, the president proclaims it state property.


I wanted the film to be like a puzzle and to raise questions using different metaphors. I wanted to deal with religion and try to understand some aspects myself and to confront the concepts of a god of love and a god of revenge, for example. I am also interested in miracles and temptations. We live in an era that has its own golden calf, which we see also on the commercial side of art. And of course, as a film director, I’m also concerned with the question of what we do art for. For money, glory and recognition? (Srdjan Dragojević)

Nakup vstopnic

Heavens Above (Nebesa)

23 Dec 2021 17:00
25 Dec 2021 19:00
26 Dec 2021 17:00
27 Dec 2021 19:00
28 Dec 2021 17:00
29 Dec 2021 19:00
30 Dec 2021 19:00
23 Dec 2021 17:00
25 Dec 2021 19:00
26 Dec 2021 17:00
27 Dec 2021 19:00
28 Dec 2021 17:00
29 Dec 2021 19:00
30 Dec 2021 19:00
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5,50 EUR

4,80 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

5% discount on online purchases

Written and directed by: Srdjan Dragojević
Cinematography: Dušan Joksimović
Editing: Petar Marković
Production design: Jelena Sopić, Jovana Cvetković
Costume design: Tatjana Strugar
Make-up artist: Sandra Ivatović
Sound design: Julij Zornik, Ognjen Popić, Zoran Maksimović
Music: Igor Perović
Producers: Biljana Prvanović, Srdjan Dragojević (Delirium, Serbia)
Co-producers: Eva Rohrman (Forum Ljubljana, Slovenia), Heino Deckert (MA.JA.DE Fiction, Germany), Vladimir Anastasov, Angela Nestorovska (Sektor Film, North Macedonia), Darija Kulenović–Gudan (Studio Dim, Croatia), Predrag Kalezić, Marija Perović (Max Film, Montenegro), Srdjan Šarenac (Novi Film, Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Cast: Goran Navojec (Stojan), Ksenija Marinković (Nada), Bojan Navojec (Gojko), Miloš Timotijević (Petar), Miloš Samolov (priest Anastasije), Nataša Marković (Julija), Radoslav Milenković (Smrda), Nikola Pejakovic (Beli mag), Danijela Mihajlović (Borka), Srdjan Todorović (profesor Mikrob), Ana Mandić (Žirafa), Miloš Timotijević (Petar), Andjelka Prpić (Snežana), Deniz Abdula (young Monah), Dejan Ačimović (Rajko)




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