Past event
11 Feb. - 6 May 2021

Architecture Stocktaking 2018_2020

In co-operation with the Architects’ Society of Ljubljana

In accordance with the measures adopted to contain the spread of COVID-19 epidemic Cankarjev dom has cancelled or rescheduled all events, exhibitions reopened.

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The biennial exhibition of members of the Architects’ Society of Ljubljana, held at Cankarjev dom with great success since 2000, gives a comprehensive two-year overview of Slovenia’s architectural scene, whilst the exhibited architectural achievements provide unique solutions to new societal challenges. At the same time, Architecture – Stocktaking is the most important showcase of contemporary Slovenian architecture. The exhibition does not only display the architectural innovations and buildings constructed over the past two years, but also the attitude of political and economic sectors to architecture, as well as the interest of the wider public in building development: what is the orientation of Slovenian architecture, how many open competitions have been realized, how many public buildings were erected, how many newly-constructed houses were designed by architects, etc.

Architecture is a global phenomenon. Not only today, in a time of widespread globalisation, but since time immemorial. However, architecture takes shape locally, in the environment from which we originate and in which we primarily work. Therefore, our architecture bears the mark of historical circumstances, tradition, climate, education and the mindset from which it emerged.

The world is changing with the pandemic. How does architecture respond to changes? One of the realizations is that people, regardless of their cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs, need an open, well-organized and landscaped public space, good public transport, as well as accessible and first-rate medical care. We have also leant that fascination with form not born out of quality content is completely passé. This year’s exhibition displays projects implemented before the outbreak of the novel virus. Nevertheless, the accompanying programme, lectures and talks will be dedicated to the flexibility and values of new architectural insights – to undoubtedly feature at the 2023 Stocktaking.

The showcased works of Society members and student are selected by a special committee, the project is organized by Marinka Škrilec Lukač, Sonja Miculinić is responsible for the layout and Nena Gabrovec for the design. The exhibition catalogue serves as an excellent document of Slovenia’s biennial architectural output.

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Architecture Stocktaking 2018_2020

11 Feb. - 6 May 2021
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Admission free



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Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Skrbno izbrano ponudba različnih izdelkov in spominkov, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z različnimi slovenskimi oblikovalci ali so plod dela oblikovalskega tima Cankarjevega doma.


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