Past event
11 Oct 2023 - 07 Jan 2024


Celebrating the Year of Edvard Ravnikar – 2023

The art exhibition is dedicated to the great architect, all-round visionary and humanist who adopted a multidisciplinary approach to designing his works and understood architecture in the context of visual culture. Three artistic considerations celebrate the invaluable legacy of a leading modernist of the geographic area formerly known as Yugoslavia, as well as beyond its borders: through the prism of the dimension of living, Nina Čelhar, Meta Drčar and Tadej Vaukman present their own understanding, interpretation and actualization of Ravnikar's legacy, as well as the architect as a private individual.

Vaukman primarily works in the medium of photography, frequently combining it with collage and drawing. The artist, whose work is grounded in (self-)portraiture, based his research on Ravnikar's drawings and self-portraits. 

Nina Čelhar, whose painting practice focuses on depicting idealized minimalist interiors and questions the complex relationship between architecture and its users, will tap directly into Ravnikar's architectural legacy. 

The dialogue is complemented by the spatial installations by Meta Drčar, who explores the connections between the observer's moving body, sculpture and architecture, and the performative effects that arise from this process. 


Nakup vstopnic


11 Oct 2023 - 07 Jan 2024
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Admission free

In cooperation with the Ravnikar Gallery Space 



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