22 Dec 2019 19:30

Flowers in Autumn

The most popular original Slovenian musical
Organised by: TMK d.o.o

Flowers in Autumn is a part of the demanding theater-musical genre. For the success, it has to be thankful to the viewers who have taken the performance to an even higher level with their positive emotional response.

The Musical offers one of the most beautiful love stories of Slovenian literary history. Idyllic peasant story Flowers in autumn by Ivan Tavčar are the most famous love story in Slovene literature, but also one of the most beautiful. But the story does not only talk about love between a man and a woman, but also teaches love for the homeland and home country.

Ne, umrla ni, 

saj vsakič ko zaprem oči, 

spet čutim njeno toplo dlan

in njen dotik - me pomiri.


Kdaj sredi noči 

nad mano zrak zašelesti,

vem to so krila angela,    

ki nad menoj bdi.


To mi daje moč da ko življenje zruši me,

le stisnem pest in iz prahu poberem se

in iz pepela vstane novo upanje.

To je moč ljubezni.

Nakup vstopnic

Flowers in Autumn

22 Dec 2019 19:30
22 Dec 2019 19:30
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29,00 | 32,00 EUR


Janez: Matjaž Robavs

Meta: Nina Pušlar/Maja Martina Merljak

Danijel: Jure Ivanušič

Liza: Nives Mikulin

Boštjan: Marjan Bunič/ Damijan Perne

Barbara: Lucija Grm

Mica: Asja Potisek

Dinca: Ana Ferme

Marica In Katinka: Antea Mramor

Doktor In Urbel: Alen Kofol/ Srđan Milovanović

Anžon: Ambrož Kvartič/ Matevž Mali

Mlačan: Klemen Černe/ Ambrož Kvartič

Klaviature: Aleš Ogrin
Kitara: Janez Skaza
Bas: Giovanni Toffoloni
Bobni: Tomi Purich (vodja banda)

Tehnična ekipa
Osvetlitev: David Andrej Francky (vodja tehnikov)
Projekcije: Rok Ložar
Tonski mojster: Matija Zelič
Vodja Predstave: Karmen Sluga Lukec
Asistentka Vodje Predstave: Dunja Zlotrg



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