19 Oct 18:00

Ne! je moč

Organised by: Mladinska knjiga Založba d. d.

Aljoša will mark the release of his new book Ne! je moč (No! Is Power) with another one of his talents. As a sold-out lecturer and inspiring motivator, his new talk "No! is Power" will offer a fresh motivational treat for all those who wish to bring more stability, joy, and above all, solid, healthy boundaries into their lives. Don’t miss the unique opportunity to get your hands on the new book while enjoying an unforgettable gathering with friends at Cankarjev dom, where the event will also feature a discussion with the author and a book signing. In the conversation led by Bernarda Žarn, he will be joined by his wife, Iva Krajnc Bagola.

Aljoša Bagola is a creative mastermind and a pioneer of bestsellers in our country. As Slovenia's Creative Director of the Decade, he withdrew from the advertising world following a severe burnout and redirected his love for creativity into writing books. His debut, How to Burn Out and Take Life into Your Own Hands, captivated readers and became the best-selling book of 2020 in Slovenia. His second book, Happiness, Please, climbed to second place on the best-sellers list two years later. Together, both books have nearly ten reprints and are also bestsellers in Croatia. Aljoša has been awarded the title of Fatal Man for his contribution to raising awareness about the importance of mental health and has been chosen as the ambassador for the first national anti-stigmatization campaign for mental health by National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia.


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Ne! je moč

19 Oct 18:00
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