8 Nov 2023 20:00

Alma's Evenings: Agata Tomažič

The first guest of Alma's Evenings is the author Agata Tomažič who will reveal the attractions of her travels in conversation with Dr. Andrej Blatnik.
Agata Tomažič (1977) has authored the book Zakaj potujete v take dežele? (Cankarjeva založba 2016), winner of the 2017 Krilata Želva Award, and is co-author of Blodnik po Istri (Društvo za dolgovezenje, 2019) and several books of fiction. Her latest novel, Čmrljev žleb (Goga 2022), a genre hybrid of family saga and whodunit, is set in an idyllic mountain village Strmčnik. She contributed to Delo and Pogledi, and now works at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). 

The Alma's Evenings series is dedicated to talks with writers-cum-travellers about their work and the books they love, about their favourite paths and those they still wish to tread, as well as about the music and gastronomy typical of their favourite places.

The literature that the series focuses on is literature that initiates change. Changing the readers, changing the readers’ understanding of the world, changing the world. 

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Alma's Evenings: Agata Tomažič

8 Nov 2023 20:00
8 Nov 2023 20:00
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