26 Oct 2022 19:00

Dr. Silvija Borovnik & mag. Lidija Golc

In cooperation with the Slovenian Language Division of Slovenska matica
The event will be held in Slovenian.

Dr. Silvija Borovnik: Interculturalism of Slovenian Literature in Austria (Lipuš, Haderlap, Handke)
The lecture examines selected literary works by Florjan Lipuš, Maja Haderlap and Peter Handke, with a particular focus on the relationship between the Slovenian and German elements in their works. 

Lidija Golc, MA: On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth and the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Janko Messner
The lecture focuses on Janko Messner, a Slovenian writer in Austria’s Carinthia and versatile culture professional, and his contribution to textbooks in primary and secondary education. Attention will also be devoted to the preservation of his legacy and the unveiling of a commemorative plaque erected by the Slovenian Writers' Association in Austria.

Nakup vstopnic

Dr. Silvija Borovnik & mag. Lidija Golc

26 Oct 2022 19:00
26 Oct 2022 19:00
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