20 May 2021 20:00

Marek Šindelka: Material Fatigue (Únava materiálu)

Masterful writing and an amazing reading experience. Material Fatigue is a comprehensive and melodious analysis of the spirit of the time. Tzum

Material Fatigue is a startling novel about refugees, about fleeing war-torn homes and a journey through uncharted and hostile territory. Employing a poetic language, it tells the story of two brothers, human shadows on the margins of society, seeking sanctuary in a world dominated by brutality and aversion to outsiders. As the brothers’ pain, anxiety, and fear intertwine, a universal image of human rootlessness and alienation emerges, and a metaphor of today’s Europe, reminiscent of an automated mechanism, an endless production cycle. Šindelka’s novel does not moralize or point fingers, but draws us into the life of another, whilst kindling our sensitivity and empathy for our fellow human beings.

The novel was translated by Nives Vidrih.

Marek Šindelka is one of the Czech Republic’s leading young authors. His multi-award-winning work has been translated into several languages. His style combines precise language, convincing narrative, and a great flair for involving the readers, confronting them with in-depth insights into mutual relationships.

The conversation with the author will be hosted by Slovenian journalist and television presenter Igor E. Bergant in Cankarjev dom. If the situation with the pandemic and the measures against the spread of COVID-19 will not allow live events yet, a live broadcast from Cankarjev dom will be arranged. The event will be interpreted into Slovenian.

Marek Šindelka's attendance at Fabula has been supported by the Czech Literary Centre.

Obisk prireditev v Cankarjevem domu skladno s spremenjenim odlokom o začasni omejitvi ponujanja kulturnih storitev končnim uporabnikom v Republiki Sloveniji. Varno na dogodke >>

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Marek Šindelka: Material Fatigue (Únava materiálu)

20 May 2021 20:00
20 May 2021 20:00
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Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Skrbno izbrano ponudba različnih izdelkov in spominkov, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z različnimi slovenskimi oblikovalci ali so plod dela oblikovalskega tima Cankarjevega doma.



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