3 Jun 2023 19:00

My Neighbour on a Cloud | Mein Nachbar auf der Wolke

An Evening of Slovenian Poetry

Exclusive preview from the anthology Mein Nachbar auf der Wolke. Slowenische Lyrik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts (My Neighbour on a Cloud. Slovenian poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries).

Presentation of an extensive bilingual (German-Slovenian) anthology of Slovenian poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries first and foremost in Ljubljana. The anthology, entitled “Mein Nachbar auf der Wolke” was commissioned by the Academy. It will be published by Hanser Verlag in July and will play a central role at the Frankfurt Book Fair in the autumn, with Slovenia as the guest of honour. The poetry evening includes readings of poems by renowned Slovenian poets whose works are featured in the anthology.

Opening addresses
Uršula Cetinski, Cankarjev dom Director General, Ernst Osterkamp, President of the German Academy of Language and Literature, Dr. Alix Landgrebe, Goethe-Institut Ljubljana Director, Katja Stergar, Director of the Slovenian Book Agency, Juergen Boos, President and CEO of the Frankfurt Book Fair

Readings and talks with poets Miljana Cunta, Milan Dekleva, Stanka Hrastelj, Uroš Zupan and anthology editors Matthias Göritz, Amalija Maček and Aleš Šteger

Hosted by: Maja Haderlap and llma Rakusa

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My Neighbour on a Cloud | Mein Nachbar auf der Wolke

3 Jun 2023 19:00
3 Jun 2023 19:00
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