5 Nov 2019 19:00

Prof. dr. Svetlana Slapšak: The Piglet who Died on the Way

Part of the Communication and Mobility in Antiquity series

The famous comic epitaph provides the piglet with an insight into procedures, mechanisms and ways of travel, from maps to means of transport.
From antique cartography to understanding space and the speed of information transfer – war needs, politics, colonisation and tourism are related inextricably. Here, an overview of ancient scientific achievements provides crucial new knowledge, from an ancient computer found on the Antikythera Island to other information, orientation and speed machines.

The lecture will be presented in Slovenian, no simultaneous translation is provided

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Prof. dr. Svetlana Slapšak: The Piglet who Died on the Way

5 Nov 2019 19:00
5 Nov 2019 19:00
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Anthropologist Prof. Dr. Svetlana Slapšak has a PhD in classical studies. Born in Belgrade, Serbia, Dr. Slapšak is a retired professor of anthropology of the Greek and Roman worlds, anthropology of gender and the Balkan studies, and former dean of the Postgraduate Faculty of Humanities in Ljubljana.

She is an exceptional lecturer and author of over 50 books. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the initiative 1000 Women for Peace.



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