Divja voda
28 Mar 2019 20:00

Wild Water

Dŵr gwyllt

Cosmogonic myths depict water as a primordial substance, the substance from which new worlds emerge. It reveals itself in ancient tales both as a space containing magic, transformation, hopeless longing and wisdom, and a dangerous world inhabited by wild and alluring creatures. Heroes daring to leave the known world come across them.

Welsh storyteller Michael Harvey, whose broad repertoire features Celtic folklore, and Zvezdana Novaković, an accomplished singer with a vast knowledge of the traditional Balkan vocal music, have navigated unchartered waters together: searching for stories that connect their countries and a way to tell them hand in hand. The storytelling/musical duo is raising an important issue: Can/Do we tell the same stories? The event will be held in English, Welsh and Slovenian.

Nakup vstopnic

Wild Water

28 Mar 2019 20:00
28 Mar 2019 20:00
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7'50 EUR

5% popust ob nakupu na www.cd-cc.si



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