Past event
28 - 31 July 2021

62nd Jazz festival Ljubljana

We have decided to organise an altogether live festival, thus abandoning the long-term practice of digital dissemination of culture and the arts.

After introducing a unique concept of a virtual festival that reached world-wide audiences last year, which included live performances by local musicians and international artists whose exclusive videos blended seamlessly into an organic whole that was streamed online, Cankarjev dom’s 62nd Jazz Festival Ljubljana seeks to restore normality by providing live access to music-making, even if subjected to restrictions imposed to curb the COVID-19 epidemic. This is why we have decided to organise a festival for entirely live audiences.

And what's in store? No more and no less than 25 concerts, including big-name star Avishai Cohen and a wide array of Slovenian musicians, with a special focus on the .abeceda and Mladi raziskovalci projects. The artists hail from as many as 13 countries, and we take great pride in achieving this during the pandemic. Most concerts will take place in the Council of Europe Park and will be free of charge, while tickets will be sold for the six indoor concerts. In late July, the Jazz Festival Ljubljana will again become a vibrant hub of creativity and interaction. It will resume the interrupted building of a music community that, in the spirit of the festival, gains knowledge, raises awareness, examines and sifts new ideas, as well as perspectives on the past and a common future. While having the time of their lives. Such is the magic of music festivals: we firmly believe that the Ljubljana Jazz Festival is one of these magical places.


Nakup vstopnic

62nd Jazz festival Ljubljana

28 - 31 July 2021
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Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Skrbno izbrano ponudba različnih izdelkov in spominkov, ki so nastali v sodelovanju z različnimi slovenskimi oblikovalci ali so plod dela oblikovalskega tima Cankarjevega doma.



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