Past event
8 Jun 2022 19:30

Dan Zhu, violin & Michel Dalberto, piano

Love and Hope

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Violin Sonata in F Major, KV 377
Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Suita from Incidental Music to Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, Op. 11
Richard Strauss, Violin Sonata in E-flat Major, Op. 18 
Pablo de Sarasate, Fantasia on Themes from Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Op. 54

Finely attuned interplay between the two chamber partners creates a synergetic, complementary dialogue: Violin virtuoso Dan Zhu, one of China’s leading violinists and founder of the Etruscan Bloom Festival in Florence (2021), a passionate environmentalist who is the first violinist in history to have performed on the Antarctic continent (2013). Professor at the Paris Conservatoire since 2011 and one of the foremost interpreters of Schubert's music, Michel Dalberto is hailed as one of the leading French pianists of his generation.

Zhu’s latest project, Love&Hope, grounded in the spiritual essence of three ingenious composers whose music “shares the eternal virtue of humanity and its universal truth – love” (Dan Zhu), derives inspiration from Gandhi’s maxim “Where there’s love there’s hope”.


Zhu turned heads and ears with his feisty artistry, turbo-charged technique and fearless attitude.
Joel Luks, 2012

Two partners on an equal footing: to Dalberto's sovereign and free keyboard responds the fluid subtlety of a Dan Zhu.
Michel Le Naour, 2019


Michel Dalberto immediately brought warmth, a sense of intimacy, and that “just right” touch that turns an inert piano key into a trigger for pure magic.
Linda Holt, 2021

Nakup vstopnic

Dan Zhu, violin & Michel Dalberto, piano

8 Jun 2022 19:30
8 Jun 2022 19:30
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15,00 | 22,00 EUR

11,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

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