26 Oct 2021 20:00

Dragičević and Grom: To telo, pokončno (This Body, Upright)

Nina Dragičević, text, voice; Tomaž Grom, sound, music

Body as a vehicle of thought, including social class, ideological narratives, representational signals. Always targeted, under pressure. Everything pertains to it; everything bears upon it. It is not the last refuge of freedom, but a point the world infinitely cuts into, pelting it with massive amounts of words and violence, at times simply circumventing and thus annihilating it. Is the future possible?

Dragičević and Grom’s compositions derive from Nina’s book To telo, pokončno (2021), which deals with countless bodies, bodies finding their voice and being articulated in sound, that is, substantiated in space. A thought – critical, informed – starts to sound.


Nina Dragičević (1984) is a composer, sound artist, and a writer. She holds a PhD in Sociology. She is the author of four books: a novel Kdo ima druge skrbi (2014), and two essay monographs – Slavne neznane: Zvočne umetnice v konstrukciji družbe (2016, Eng. Famous Unknowns: Women sound artists in the construction of society), Med njima je glasba: Glasba v konstrukciji lezbične scene (2017, Eng. The music between them: Music in the construction of lesbian communities), Ljubav reče greva (2019), and To telo, pokončno (2021). She is the author of numerous electroacoustic compositions and sound installations. Nina is the artistic director of the Topographies of Sound International symposium-festival, co-editor at the Idiot literary magazine, and the author of Famous Unknowns radio show at Radio Študent. She won the 2020 Župančič Award, was shortlisted for the 2019 Jenko and Veronika awards, received the 2018 Knight of Poetry award, and was finalist for the Palma Ars Acustica Award.


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Dragičević and Grom: To telo, pokončno (This Body, Upright)

26 Oct 2021 20:00
26 Oct 2021 20:00
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12,00 EUR

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