Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
Past event
11 Dec 2019 20:00

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

Conductor: Gábor Takács-Nagy

Soloist: Martha Argerich, piano

Wolfgang A. Mozart, Symphony No 32 in G Major, K 318
Wolfgang A. Mozart, Symphony No 39 in E flat Major, K 543

Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Concerto No 1 in C Major, Op. 15

She is a pianist of brain-teasing technical agility; she is a charismatic woman with an enigmatic reputation; she is an unaffected interpreter whose native language is music.
Alexander Ross

A legend of the classical music world, pianist Martha Argerich rose to international prominence when she became the first pianist from the Western Hemisphere to win the Chopin Competition in Warsaw in 1965. Shrouded in mystery and enchantment, her stunning performances have since become the synonym for mesmerizing beauty.

Enjoying the reputation of one of the world’s leading ensembles, the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra is acclaimed for its beautifully homogenous sound, interpretive precision, versatility and adaptability. A violinist with a successful career in chamber music, Gábor Takács-Nagy (winner of the prestigious Bartók-Pásztory Award in 2017) has made a name for himself as a conductor whose approach to musical performance is imaginative, vibrant and unique.

Rarely performed masterpieces by the giants of the Classical Period: Beethoven’s early piano concerto still modelled after Mozart, and two late symphonies which the Salzburg-born composer wrote at the height of his creative powers.

Martha Argerich ceni glasbena prijateljstva in na odru rada ustvarja dogodke vrhunske muzikalne vzajemnosti. Zato nismo pomišljali, ko je predlagala razširitev programa z deloma za dva klavirja. S pianistom Eduardom Hubertom sta prijatelja, oba sta se napajala pri pianističnem znanju mojstra Vittoria Sacaramuzze, v minulih desetletjih pa sta skupaj nastopila na dogodkih najrazličnejših koncertnih formatov po Evropi, Argentini in na Japonskem.


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Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

11 Dec 2019 20:00
11 Dec 2019 20:00
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30, 42, 56, 65 EUR



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