19 Oct 2022 20:00

Gaby Moreno

Gaby Moreno, guitar, vocals; Sebastian Aymanns, drums, vocals; Martin Meixner, keyboard, vocals; Kimon Kirk, bass, vocals 

After captivating our local audiences with her 2015 concert (CD’s Cankarjevi torki Series), the talented singer Gaby Moreno is returning to Slovenia. The US-based Guatemalan musician who won a Latin Grammy for “Best New Artist” (2013) is equally at home in the vast expanses of Americana, the fusion of folk, blues, jazz, soul and other North American genres, as well as in many Latin American styles. The most recent (2022), self-produced Alegoría – featuring songs in both English and Spanish exploring themes of “hope, love, nostalgia and desolation” – marks Moreno’s seventh studio album.
Text by: Mario Batelič

*As of 27 September, the Music of the World Season Subscription is available with a modified programme: instead of the sold-out concert by Guatemalan singer and guitarist Gaby Moreno (19 October), the Music of the World Subscription now includes the Argentine accordionist Chango Spasiuk concert on 18 October.

Nakup vstopnic

Gaby Moreno

19 Oct 2022 20:00
19 Oct 2022 20:00
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18,00 EUR

12,00 EUR *



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