9 Mar 2021 20:00

Grom / Golob

solo / duo / solo

Thomas Grom, Žiga Golob, double bass

The COVID-19 series of online solo/duo/solo concerts continues. After the piano with Bowrain and Vollmaier and the saxophone with Resnik and Simon, the time is ripe for the majestic double bass. And who is the perfect match for the instrument? Tomaž Grom and Žiga Golob, of course. Especially since they waited twenty years for a new opportunity to play together. In the meantime, they have been making music for the heart and the mind shared with many collaborators on prominent music, theatre and film productions, at countless venues in Slovenia and around the world.


Nakup vstopnic

Grom / Golob

9 Mar 2021 20:00
9 Mar 2021 20:00
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