23 Feb 2021 20:00

Lana Cenčić: Sama

tablaLana Cenčić, voice, piano, guitar, table

Sama – a Croatian word that means alone. And this little word, the title of Lana Cenčić's solo debut, is the essence of a complete artistic cosmos. It provides insights into the journey of an exceptional woman who has always seen breaks in her life-story as opportunities – they are there
to be experienced. And it documents an artistic diversity and intensity that has been permeatin Lana Cenčić's life since childhood. It develops freely across all genre boundaries, and as if it were an anchor, it carries her very own musical fingerprint. Sama is an album by a brilliant songwriter
and expressive singer. It's an album by a sensitive pianist, guitarist and creative tabla player. It's an album by a composer, arranger and performer rolled into one. Sama – that's Lana Cenčić! Her only companion on this artistic odyssey has been renowned producer David Torn, famous for his work with David Bowie, Madonna, Tori Amos, Steve Roach, and many more. He's also known for his film music for The Big Lebowski, Velvet Goldmine, and Traffic, to name but a few. The two got to know each other on a previous joint production. On Sama, David Torn accentuates Lana's songs with loops, guitars, arrangements and "ambience" in an almost magical way.




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Lana Cenčić: Sama

23 Feb 2021 20:00
23 Feb 2021 20:00
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