Past event
27 Oct 2022 20:00

Lea Mihevc: Where Are You From, Girl - postponed to 27 Oct 2022

Lea Mihevc, voice, piano
Nik Žnidaršič, dramaturgy

Urša Premik, photos
Špela Ema Veble, MUA


The music-theatre performance Where Are You From, Girl by actress and musician Lea Mihevc, which receives its premiere at Cankarjev dom, addresses the difference between the public and the intimate as a metaphor for the relationship between foreign lands and home. Through voice, body, and above all, different music genres, the actress searches for potential openings in the established forms, expectations, even clichés, through which truth could penetrate in the form of an inner voice – intimacy. 

She juxtaposes a series of dualities, connecting, distinguishing, and resolving them. In an exploration of role-playing, she seeks to determine what's hers and what belongs to other people. What it means to be available to another in terms of acting – and being human. When, if at all, do role-playing and the need to belong disappear.

Nakup vstopnic

Lea Mihevc: Where Are You From, Girl - postponed to 27 Oct 2022

31 May 2022 20:00
27 Oct 2022 20:00
31 May 2022 20:00
27 Oct 2022 20:00
postponed to 27 Oct 2022
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15,00 EUR

10,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

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