Past event
21 Apr 2020 20:00

Lee Ranaldo & Raul Refree: Names Of North End Women - cancelled

In compliance with the measures adopted by the Government of the RS to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the event has been cancelled.

In compliance with the measures adopted by the Government of the RS to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the event has been cancelled.

More about cancelled or postponed events>>

For further information please contact us at, and via CD’s social media messaging.


Zaradi trenutne pandemične krize morava žal odpovedati evropsko turnejo, ki bi pospremila izid albuma Names of North End Women. Veliko truda in energije sva vložila v zasnovo inovativnega, eksperimentalnega koncertnega nastopa in bova - takoj ko bo mogoče - objavila nove datume koncertov. Do tedaj pa obiščite in si oglejte videe, intervjuje ipd … V naslednjih tednih bova sproti objavljala svež material. Zahvaljujeva se Mute Records za podporo. Ostanite zdravi in se vidimo kmalu!
Lee & Raül



Nakup vstopnic

Lee Ranaldo & Raul Refree: Names Of North End Women - cancelled

21 Apr 2020 20:00
21 Apr 2020 20:00
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