Past event
1 Jan 2024 18:00

Musical Jewels – Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra New Year's Concert

Conductor: Philipp von Steinaecker

Nika Gorič, soprano
Miran Kolbl, violin
Gregor Marinko, cello

Dreamy melodies from the Czech musical soil, fiery Russian rhythms and cheerful songs from our beautiful Slovenia. Let the New Year begin in a tone of delicious playfulness, sprinkled with joy.

Antonín Dvořák, Carnival – concert overture, Op. 92
Benjamin Ipavec (orch. Aljoša Tavčar), Pomladni veter (Spring Breeze) for soprano and orchestra
Bedřich Smetana (arr. Bernd Alois Zimmermann), Polka in G Major, JB 1:115, “The Country Woman”
Bedřich Smetana, “Should I ever happen to learn something like that about you”, Marenka’s aria from The Bartered Bride
Antonín Dvořák, Romance in F minor for violin and orchestra, Op. 11
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, “I'm sad, dear father!”, Lyudmila’s cavatina from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila
Marjan Kozina, Bela krajina (White Carniola)
Bedřich Smetana, Overture to The Bartered Bride
Antonín Dvořák, “Song to the Moon”, Rusalka’s aria from the opera Rusalka 
Antonín Dvořák, Silent Woods for cello and orchestra, Op. 68, No. 5
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, “O, to go to the palace with my companions”, The Snow Maiden’s aria from the opera The Snow Maiden  
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Hopak from the comic opera Sorochyntsi Fair  
Igor Stravinsky, The Firebird Suite (1945)
Infernal Dance

Nakup vstopnic

Musical Jewels – Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra New Year's Concert

1 Jan 2024 18:00
1 Jan 2024 18:00
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20,00 | 25,00 | 30,00 | 35,00 EUR

19,00 | 22,00 | 27,00 | 32,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.



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