13 Oct 2019 20:00

The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices featuring Lisa Gerrard

The legendary female choir The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices has released its first recording of new material in 20 years together with iconic Australian singer Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance and singer of one of the most iconic songs from: Now We Are Free from The Gladiator), whose own style was strongly influenced by the ensemble's enigmatic technique. BooCheeMish fuses traditional Bulgarian folklore choir singing and contemporary arrangements with traditional stringed and percussive instruments as well as Bulgarian artist SkillR's beatboxing.

They’re still one of the music world’s great wonders. 
Rolling Stone 

An unlikely union between an 80’s rock star and a folk choir blossoms in Bulgaria. 
The New York Times 

Vnovično zmagoslavje, izdelek poustvarja svojstveno magičnost sestava in obilo njegove prepoznavne harmolodike (…), z dodajanjem pritajenih plasti inštrumentalne spremljave. All About Jazz

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The Mystery of the Bulgarian Voices featuring Lisa Gerrard

13 Oct 2019 20:00
13 Oct 2019 20:00
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22, 24, 30, 35 EUR

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