Noches de Tablao
Composer and performer: Jošt Lampret
A suite for bass guitar and double bass solo, Nomad represents a journey through various music styles and cultures encountered and inhabited throughout his career by the bassist and bass guitarist Jošt Lampret.
Electric Trio
Miron Rafajlović, trumpet; David Sancho, keyboards; Michael Olivera, drums; Urška Centa, dance
Sarajevo-born trumpet player, multi-instrumentalist and composer Miron Rafajlović
finds inspiration in his Balkan background and Mediterranean folklore elements, fusing them imaginatively and soulfully with modern jazz. The concert features the Trio’s album, Mediterranean Soul, and a special guest, dancer Urška Centa.
Cikel Noches de Tablao predstavlja sveže umetniške iniciative flamenka, ki med seboj prepletajo živo glasbo in ples. Oblikujejo ga glasbeno-uprizoritveni dogodki, na katerih gostujejo vrhunski mednarodni umetniki iz različnih evropskih držav, ki se za to priložnost povezujejo s priznanimi domačimi avtorji. Program gradi medkulturni lok med tujimi in domačimi ustvarjalci, ki vzpostavljajo dialog med flamenkom in drugimi umetniškimi žanri ter vanj vnašajo nove umetniške perspektive.
Noches de Tablao: Nomad & Electric Trio
17,00 EUR
14,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category
Production of both events: Zavod NEST