Past event
10 May 2023 20:00

Royal Scottish National Orchestra

Conductor: Thomas Søndergård

Christian Schmitt, organ
Matthias Höfs, trumpet

James MacMillan, Britannia
Fazil Say, Concerto for trumpet, organ and string orchestra with percussion

Jean Sibelius, Symphony No. 1 in E minor, Op. 39

An ensemble of time-honoured tradition (1891), winner of the 2020 Gramophone Classical Music Award, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra is (also) renowned for its pioneering learning and engagement programme, Music for Life, aimed at engaging the people of Scotland with music across key stages of life. Since 2017, the orchestra has enjoyed a series of successes under the insightful leadership of their Music Director, Thomas Sondergard, one of the few active conductors who are also first-class percussionists. Recently, the Maestro has been decorated with a Royal Order of Chivalry by the Queen of Denmark.

The evening’s programme is a reflection of the conductor's creative breadth and proves that music knows no bounds: Britannia is a colourful tapestry of patriotic Scottish melodies and resonant allusions; Sibelius’s first symphony draws on Tchaikovsky’s symphonism. The core of the evening’s repertoire is a new work by the cosmopolitan ‘composer pianist’ of Turkish descent, who builds bridges between the East and West. It will be premiered by two experienced German virtuosos, Christian Schmitt, a charismatic exponent of contemporary organ music, and Matthias Höfs, a longstanding member of the world-renowned German Brass ensemble.

Thomas Sondergard’s approach conjures a pulsing energy of the kind which seems to well up from within the music itself, rather than being driven from without; he also has a canny awareness of how a tiny, unobtrusive shift of pace now and again can make a whole Sibelian musical structure seem to come alive.
Classical Music

Composing is always a form of improvisation: with ideas, musical particles and imaginary shapes. 
Fazil Say

Schmitt found colours to marvel at. 
Wiener Zeitung

No modern-day piccolo trumpet soloist offers the security, delicacy and effortless élan of Matthias Höfs in 18th-century repertoire.

Nakup vstopnic

Royal Scottish National Orchestra

10 May 2023 20:00
10 May 2023 20:00
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30,00 | 42,00 | 56,00 | 62,00 EUR

25,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category


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