Past event
22 Sep 2022 19:30

RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra - Kromatika 1

Conductor: Rossen Milanov

Oskar Laznik, saxophone
Simon Klavžar, percussion

Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga,Overture in D major, Op. 20
Matej Bonin, Eppur si muove IV, Concerto for alto saxophone, solo percussion and symphony orchestra
Hector Berlioz,  Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14

The new season of Kromatika opens under the baton of our chief conductor, Bulgarian conductor and oboist Rossen Milanov (1965). The orchestra will be joined by the outstanding Slovenian saxophonist Oskar Laznik (1987), who is an internationally renowned concert soloist and a lecturer at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet, and percussionist Simon Klavžar (1987), who is a respected chamber musician and lecturer at both the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet and the Ljubljana Academy of Music.

The programme gets off to a fitting start with the joyful and temperamental Overture by the Basque composer Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga (1806–1826), who is often referred to as the “Spanish Mozart”. Even as a child, he displayed a great deal of talent for music, but his promising career was cut short by his untimely death. He nonetheless left a fascinating oeuvre, which is often overlooked today outside the Iberian Peninsula.

Oskar Laznik and Simon Klavžar will perform the concerto Eppur si muove IV by Slovenian composer Matej Bonin (1986). Supported by the sound of the orchestra, these three members of the same generation will combine their creative energies in a work in which Bonin re-examines the position of the exposed soloist and the degree to which a composer can blur the seemingly self-evident hierarchy between orchestra and soloist.

The second half of the concert is dedicated to one of the most distinctive and influential works of the entire orchestral repertoire, Symphonie fantastique by Hector Berlioz (1803-1869).

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RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra - Kromatika 1

22 Sep 2022 19:30
22 Sep 2022 19:30
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9,00 | 12,00 | 16,00 | 20,00 EUR

7,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category



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