22 Sep 2020 20:00

Severa Gjurin

Severa Gjurin, voice, guitar; Gal Gjurin, voice, piano, guitar; Žiga Golob, double bass; Blaž Celarec, percussion, drums; Dejan Lapanja, guitars; Uroš Rakovec, guitar, mandolin

Severa Gjurin, one of Slovenia’s most accomplished singers and songwriters, invites us to a place where the earth opens up to reveal its innermost layers, the delicate recesses of our soul, to share appreciation of beauty and fellow human beings. A deep musical bond exists between Severa and her brother Gal, which they strengthened several years ago by forming the trio Sozvočje with Blaž Celarec. The Mala terasa concert will feature some of Severa’s most famous tracks, including Ali je še kaj prostora tam na jugu?, as well as new self-penned songs to be released on Severa’s forthcoming album.

Nakup vstopnic

Severa Gjurin

1 Sep 2020 20:00
22 Sep 2020 20:00
1 Sep 2020 20:00
22 Sep 2020 20:00
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15 EUR



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