9 Feb 2021 20:00

The Snowdrops and Primroses Festival

20.00 Young Researchers III–Tobija Hudnik–Equilibrium as Insta_bility
20.30 Ana Čop & Thilo Seevers
21.00 Trokut


The 7th edition of the festival dedicated to Slovenian jazz creativity reflects the ongoing  evolution of composition, methodology and performance of new music, both locally and internationally, regardless of the location of the leading protagonists’ established domicile. Although started with a view to providing a yearly insight into the evolving Slovenian scene, we had to acknowledge the fact that the country’s output is deeply embedded in international jazz currents. Recognising this important feature, our festival seeks to provide a platform for creative processes that transcend both conceptual and territorial boundaries. What is more, ours is not a festival of newcomers, it’s only the concepts and the compositions that are fresh.

Young Researchers III–Tobija Hudnik–Equilibrium as Insta_bility
Tobija Hudnik, piano; Oskar Longyka, viola; Brina Kern, Lenart De Bock, saxophone
Young Researchers, a guided series of residences, concerts and performances, seeks to integrate a selected young artist into professional infrastructure and research environment. This year’s artist-in-residence is guitarist, composer and multimedia artist Tobija Hudnik, who is currently completing his studies at Jazz Institute Berlin. Hudnik and Equilibrium as Insta_bility will present his composition “about a change”, a performance for sound, movement and light.
Interview with Tobija Hudnik https://youtu.be/W6csF6QNOr8

Ana Čop & Thilo Seevers / ACTS!
“You’ve never heard these songs played like this” – Ö1 (Vienna, Austria)
The debut album of duo ACTS! was recorded in 2019 in Austria and released in September 2020 on the Slovenian label Klopotec. The repertoire consists of arrangements of some well and some not so well-known jazz standards, free improvisation pieces on poetry and a couple of the duo’s originals. It is an intimate and emotional homage to all the music with compelling stories.
Dusk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EiSUYLh0go

Jaka Arh, saxophone, live electronics; Filip Pavić,  electric guitar, effects;  Hrvoje Kralj, electric bass, effects; Jerko Jurin, drums, electronics
Trokut is an electronic jazz group formed in 2018. The band's repertoire consists of their original music inspired by contemporary jazz and different genres of electronic music. Their melodies, harmonic progressions and sound textures are influenced by artists like Kneebody, Radiohead, Squarepusher, Boards of Canada and Nerve.
Until now the band has had the opportunity to perform in different venues and festivals in Croatia and Slovenia. With their debut album released on a London-based label Rika Muzika, Trokut is looking forward to explore the international scene.
Spinning Top - https://youtu.be/mAcPVLiRxzI




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The Snowdrops and Primroses Festival

9 Feb 2021 20:00
9 Feb 2021 20:00
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