13 Jul 2023 20:00

Staples Jr. Singers

The Staples Jr. Singers concert, scheduled for 9 February, has been postponed to 13 July 2023, at 20.00.

The band members have sent a note explaining how sorry they were for having to postpone the last four shows of their winter tour until summertime due to objective reasons.

The tickets remain valid for the new date (no changes necessary). Ticketholders unable to attend the concert on the new date may exchange their tickets for an alternative CD performance or claim a refund of the seat value by 9 February. For more information, please contact us at vstopnice@cd-cc.si

Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to welcoming you to our events.

Edward Brown, vocals; Annie Caldwell-Brown, vocals; RC Brown, lead guitar; Joe Caldwell Sr., lead guitar; Joe Caldwell Jr., bass; Abel Caldwell, drums

The gospel group Staples Jr. Singers has won world-wide recognition almost fifty years after the release of their first and only album, When Do We Get Paid (1975)! A family band (they started out as teenagers) comprising two brothers and a sister, the Browns from Aberdeen have been given a new lease on life after their album was re-released by Luaka Bop (David Byrne’s label) to glowing reviews. Their blend of incantatory funk, sonorous guitar, simple arrangements, the extremes of female vocal range in call-and-response counterpoint was termed “heavenly music” by Der Freitag, and Die Zeit described it as “music of the past oriented towards the future”.
Text by: Mario Batelič

Nakup vstopnic

Staples Jr. Singers

9 Feb 2023 20:00
13 Jul 2023 20:00
9 Feb 2023 20:00
13 Jul 2023 20:00
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20,00 | 24,00 EUR

14,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category



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