12 Nov 2021 20:00

The Banquet – A Black Ode to the Present - cancelled

Director: Tatjana Peršuh

An original interdisciplinary production, The Banquet is an evenly-balanced blend of music, physical theatre and dramatic art.

Based on F.M. Dostoyevsky’s novella The Double, the show also reflects on the tragic fate of composer Robert Schumann, Dostoyevsky’s contemporary, who suffered from mental instability and bouts of nervous exhaustion.

It focuses on several contradictory aspects of man, an individual considered in different social contexts simultaneously, assuming various roles and alter egos. The protagonist is a tragic victim of his personal anxieties, plagued by a sense of entrapment. Confronted with the rigidity of the political system and its forms of aggression, the hero is repeatedly thwarted in his quest for the elusive ideal of a modern, successful and healthy citizen of the world.

Nakup vstopnic

The Banquet – A Black Ode to the Present - cancelled

11 Nov 2021 20:00
12 Nov 2021 20:00
11 Nov 2021 20:00
12 Nov 2021 20:00
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12,00 EUR

8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si

Performer, choreographer, dancer: Sebastjan Starič
Pianist: Nejc Lavrenčič
Music: Robert Schumann


Production: Zavod za sodobno umetniško prakso in teorijo 0.1/ Institute for Contemporary Art Practice and Theory 0.1.
Co-production: Cankarjev dom



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