31 Dec 2021 20:00

Cirque Le Roux: A Deer in the Headlights

"Circus on the edge."

In 2015, Cirque Le Roux created The Elephant in the Room – an exhilarating and deliciously retro circus comedy that over the last four years has been presented more than 400 times throughout the world.

The show played to sold-out houses at the 2015 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where it was nominated for a Total Theatre Award. Some 50,000 spectators attended the performances at Bobino Paris, and the company received the Étoile du Parisien award in 2017.

Their latest original creation, A Deer in the Headlights, draws from the French New Wave, American grindhouse and 70s independent cinema to tell a story of a family, loss and life through an eccentric and comical intrigue.

Storyline: Miss Betty has died… Her three children gather at their rural family home in order to prepare for her funeral. However, the arrival of a mysterious stranger tips the scale and the newly reunited family is thrown into chaos. Featuring a gallery of surprising, charismatic, funny and flamboyant characters, A Deer in the Headlights highlights the singularity, fragility and tenderness of all human relations.

Six virtuosi circus artists perform handstands, hand to hand, banquine, acrobatics and tight-wire acts, blending physical risk with emotional depth and humour. A Deer in the Headlights is an homage to cinema, contemporary circus, and to the human condition, with all its comedy, awkwardness and splendour. Imbued with a cinematic, meticulously detailed aesthetic, its high-voltage performances are rich in tragicomic, dreamlike atmospheres.





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Cirque Le Roux: A Deer in the Headlights

28 Dec 2021 19:30
29 Dec 2021 19:30
30 Dec 2021 18:00
31 Dec 2021 20:00
28 Dec 2021 19:30
29 Dec 2021 19:30
30 Dec 2021 18:00
31 Dec 2021 20:00
17 | 21 | 25 | 28 | 14* EUR
17 | 21 | 25 | 28 | 14* EUR
17 | 21 | 25 | 28 | 14* EUR
Silvestrska predstava: 22 | 26 |30| 34 EUR
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22,00 | 26,00 | 30,00 | 34,00 EUR

5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si

Choreography, tap-dancing, adagio: Brad Musgrove
Original music: Alexandra Strélisk
Authors: Lolita Costet, Charlotte Saliou, Grégory Arsenal, Philip Rosenberg et Yannick Thomas
Performers: Coline Mazurek, Craig Gadd, Konan Larivere, Naël Jammal
Translater: Primož Ponikvar
Production: Cirque Le Roux



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