
Magdalena Reiter: Counterfeits, Imprints and Other Intrusions
In her new work, Counterfeits, Imprints and Other Intrusions, Magdalena Reiter returns to the solo form revisiting and questioning some of the topics she has dealt with as an author in recent years – from the attempt to analyse collective memory in the context of the influences of visual and film iconography to the reference field in which she has formed herself as a dance maker. She emphasizes the power, as well as the violence of visual imagery and the instability of influences that mark both our collective consciousness and her personal creative path. Through the body in motion, she opens up a dual relationship and a dialogue with the field of references, which involves both respecting and dissecting the elements down to their most elementary particles.
The performance is being created as a choreographic hyperreality that is both playful and analytical, literal and metaphorical, raising perhaps the most relevant question of Reiter’s new performance – the performative body at the moment of going on stage and the extent to which it is possible to escape the limits of one’s own reproduction.
»Vsak solo je neka vrsta avtoportreta ali ogledala. Želela sem, da ta predstava ne bi bila zgolj osebno ogledalo, ampak hkrati ogledalo družbe. Predstava Ponaredki, odtisi in drugi vdori se igra z idejo moči podob, spomina in fantazije.
Telo, zlasti žensko, ki je postavljeno v prostoru, nikoli ni carte blanche, ampak je konstrukt, zaznamovan z vizualnimi podobami in vzorci, ki so oblikovali našo zahodno kulturo. Zanimalo me je vprašanje, kako jih prebaviti, sprejeti in hkrati najti lastno svobodo – zasebno in umetniško, znotraj prenasičenosti teh vizualnih vplivov.«
Magdalena Reiter
Magdalena Reiter (PL / SLO) je koreografinja, plesalka, pedagoginja , ki od leta 2002 živi in ustvarja v Sloveniji. Je diplomantka Državne baletne šole v Gdansku, Poljska, in akademije P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) v Bruslju, Belgija.
V produkciji nevladnih organizacij ali v okviru javnih zavodov in plesnih skupin (Studio za suvremeni ples, Anton Podbevšek Teater, Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, Polish Dance Theatre – Poznan Ballet, Bodhi Project idr.) je ustvarila več kot dvajset avtorskih solov in skupinskih projektov, ki so bili prikazani doma in v tujini, med njimi: Vibracija posamezne strune (s Katarzyno Chmielewsko in Jakubom Truszkowskim), Preludiji in fuge (z Matejo Rebolj), Conversation pieces, Alica v Čudežni deželi, Forma interrogativa, Attention, Transland, Pars pro Witacy, Bližnji plani, Solo za dva glasova (z Milanom Tomášikom in Anjo Golob) idr. Njene predstave so bile prikazane tako doma kot v drugih evropskih državah.
Kot koreografinja deluje v gledališču, operi in filmu. Kot pedagoginja in mentorica je poučevala v Sloveniji in tujini (Folkwang Universität der Künste, Zagrebška plesna akademija, Zagrebški plesni center, SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Dance Academy, SVŠGL, skupina En-knap / EKG, na delavnicah v Franciji, Italiji, Avstriji, Belgiji, na Poljskem idr.).
Je prejemnica nagrade Ksenije Hribar za koreografski opus (2023).
Je pobudnica in umetniška vodja VIBRE – Mednarodnih delavnic in festivala sodobnega plesa v Ljubljani (2013–2020) ter ustanoviteljica Zavoda Mirabelka.
Izvedba skladbe:
Žiga Faganel - violina
Alja Mandič Faganel - violončelo
The performance forms part of Magdalena Reiter's body of work with the umbrella title Povečava, which is funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia throughout the 2024/2025 period.
Magdalena Reiter: Counterfeits, Imprints and Other Intrusions
14,00 EUR
12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.
Choreography, video direction and performed by: Magdalena Reiter
Dramaturgy: Vedrana Klepica
Video design: Sandi Skok
Music: August Braatz
Scenografija: Maruša Mali
Fotografija: Darja Štravs Tisu
Produkcija: Zavod Mirabelka
Koprodukcija: Cankarjev dom
Partnerja: Zavod En-Knap / Center kulture Španski borci, Adrian film
Production: Zavod Mirabelka
Co-produced by: Cankarjev dom
The performance has been made with the financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture.
