23 Mar 2024 19:30

Marco da Silva Ferreira: Carcass (Carcaça)

Skupina izvajalcev vstopi v areno, da bi se udeležila hipnotičnega rituala o slovesu, življenju in smrti, upanju in vstajenju. Skupaj se podajo v skrajnosti: našo skupno »človeškost« izrisujejo skozi péto besedilo, podobe in predmete, pomanjkanje kisika in velikanske količine znoja. Izčrpavajoč ples v vsej svoji lepoti.

Marco da Silva Ferreira’s 10-member company electrifies the stage with wholly committed dancing. These thespians hold nothing back in their involvement in today’s realities. The dancers perform complicated footwork that brings together standardised folk dances with contemporary urban dance styles.

In Carcass (C A R C A Ç A ), the performers perpetuate a total theatre of images, supported by vocals, music, and set design, with a new original choreographic language steeped in folkloric realities. Sharp staccato percussive beats emitted from the drums of master musician, Joao Pais Filipe, set the stage for the entrance of the dancers.

The dancing is solid, with the elevated level of technical excellence demanded by Ferreira’s choreography: a combination of folk, gymnastic, and original moves, which coalesce into a very down to earth original language adapted to his vision of reality. His choreography is a movescape of constantly evolving semiotic images, which require little or no effort to decipher: hard-hitting anti-fascist statements, calling for the tearing down of all barriers and walls for a true equality: to be made available to all inhabitants of this fragile universe we all share.

A highly diverse cast of ten dancers and two musicians form an unconventional and joyful dance ensemble. The dancers perform complicated footwork that brings together standardised folk dances with contemporary urban dance styles that appear in cultures considered minorities (for example, LGBTQIA+ communities or communities of the ex-colonies).

Marco da Silva Ferreira is a self-taught choreographer/dancer who developed his signature style through dance genres that merged into an urban context with afro-descendant influences. A professional dancer since 2008, he has worked with names such as André Mesquita, Hofesh Shechter, Sylvia Rijmer, Tiago Guedes, Victor Hugo Pontes and Paulo Ribeiro.

In his choreography, Marco da Silva Ferreira uses dance as a tool to investigate communities, the construction of a collective identity, memory and cultural crystallisation.

In Carcass, the dancers intrepidly immerse themselves into the realities of our time. Political? Yes! Emotional? Absolutely! Equal? More than!


Marco da Silva Ferreira je bil leta rojen 1986 v mestu Santa Maria da Feira. Diplomiral je iz  fizioterapije na Institutu Piaget, Vila Nova de Gaia (2010). Čeprav tega poklica ne prakticira, mu pomeni izhodišče za raziskovalno delo. Na telo se je osredotočil leta 1996, preko športa, še zlasti vrhunskega plavanja. Leta 2002 je disciplino opustil ter se posvetil fizičnemu gledališču in uprizoritvenim umetnostim. Je koreograf/plesalec samouk, umetniški slog je oblikoval skozi konglomerat urbanih plesnih zvrsti s primesmi afriške diaspore. Med letoma 2002 in 2010 je njegov umetniški razvoj vodil v izčiščen, razplasten jezik plesa, bližji sodobnim orodjem improvizacije in kompozicije. Leta 2010 je zmagal na televizijskem tekmovanju So You Think You Can Dance - Portugalska.

Kot profesionalni plesalec je od leta 2008 sodeloval z imeni, kot so André Mesquita, Hofesh Shechter, Sylvia Rijmer, Tiago Guedes, Victor Hugo Pontes in Paulo Ribeiro. Eden vrhuncev njegove ustvarjalne kariere je urbano plesno delo HU(R)MANO (2013), s katerim je bil leta 2015 izbranec projekta Aerowaves Priority Company. Delo je doma in na tujem gostovalo do leta 2018.

Delo BROTHER (2016) je avtorski diskurz o plesu in njegovem pomenu danes, ob ustvarjanju povezav z njegovimi izvori in risanju paralele s sodobnim telesom. Premiero je doživelo v Teatro Municipal do Porto-Rivoli ter obsežno gostovalo doma in na tujem, mdr. v okviru projekta Aerowaves Priority Companies 2018. Bisonte (2019) je performativna identiteta, nihajoča v prostoru med histerizmom in melanholijo, ob poigravanju z maskami spola, krinkami moči in krhkosti.
SIRI (2021) je avtorski projekt v partnerstvu s portugalskim filmskim ustvarjalcem Jorgejem Jácomejem v okviru Fundacije d'entreprise Hérmes - New Setting Program. Znanstvenofantastično plesno delo družno poseljujejo roboti in ljudje. 

Leta 2022 je na festivalu Julidans premierno predstavil delo førm Inførms v sodelovanju z južnoafriško skupino Via Katlehong; istega leta je nastal duet z naslovom Fantasie Minor v sodelovanju z CND de Caen, konec leta pa C A R C A Ç A (KADAVER) v koprodukciji Big Pulse Dance Alliance. 

Med letoma 2018/2019 je deloval kot pridruženi umetnik mestnega gledališča v Portu (Teatro Municipal do Porto) ter med letoma 2019 in 2021 pridruženi umetnik koreografskega središča Chorégraphique National de Caen v Normandiji.

Nakup vstopnic

Marco da Silva Ferreira: Carcass (Carcaça)

23 Mar 2024 19:30
23 Mar 2024 19:30
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18,00 | 24,00 | 29,00 EUR

15,00 | 20,00 | 25,00 EUR * *visitors aged under 25, over 65 and pensioners

Artistic direction and choreography: Marco da Silva Ferreira

With: André Garcia, Fábio Krayze, Leo Ramos, Marc Oliveras Casas, Marco da Silva Ferreira, Maria Antunes, Max Makowski, Mélanie Ferreira, Nelson Teunis, Nala Revlon

Production: Pensamento Avulso



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