21 Dec 20:00

Piaf, Edith Piaf - anniversary show marking the 20th season

Twenty successful seasons of Piaf, Edith Piaf

The normal life of a theatre show can usually be counted on the fingers of one hand. If counting on three fingers, we’ve got a success story; if on all five, it’s a sensation. Extremely rare are the performances that count their years on the fingers of both hands. These are legendary shows. There are hardly any performances that need a third set of fingers to count on. These are solitary exceptions, monoliths that defy time and at the same time attest to the indestructible power of theatre, which is otherwise subject to transience. And that is why such a monolith, transcending the theatrical life of all ten fingers, is particularly worthy of attention.

Piaf, Edith Piaf is such a monolith. Twenty, yes, twenty years have passed since its premiere at Kavarna Union, on the ideal, but sadly no longer operational stage of perhaps the finest cabaret venue in Ljubljana. Anyway, what happened that December evening in Kavarna was by no means meant to survive, alive and kicking, over a span of two decades. Non-existent budget, but boundless enthusiasm, a young creative team at the beginning of their theatrical journey, not enough time, too much work and the determination to see the project through, no matter what form it would end up taking. It has evolved into a form with no superfluous detail, in which nothing gets “stale”, none of Vesna's gestures has “gathered dust”, everything in its place, clear, pure, direct, emotionally charged, powerful.

The success of Vesna's vocal-theatrical take on Edith Piaf – still with musical accompaniment by (also appearing as an actor!) Joži Šalej – was certain at the premiere, and later confirmed by the Borštnik Award for Best Actress, by numerous tours and the 20th anniversary of the production.
And it will be confirmed by the anniversary show in Cankarjev dom's Linhart Hall.


Mnenja o tem, kdaj umetniška stvaritev postane del t. i. klasičnega repertoarja in kateri so razlogi za to, so različna. Eden ključnih dejavnikov, ki jo med klasike uvrščajo, pa je poleg nagrad in obiska gotovo tudi število odigranih sezon. In Piaf, Edith Piaf, gledališki kabaret z Vesno Pernarčič v naslovni vlogi, letos vstopa v dvajseto sezono. Kar je gotovo dovolj za vstop med »nesmrtne«, hkrati pa odlična priložnost za gostovanje v Linhartovi dvorani, s katerim bo ponovno potrdila, da je še kako živa in pripravljena na (vsaj) še enkrat toliko let odrskega življenja.

Nobody could fail to notice her.
Nobody could imitate her.
Nobody can forget her.
Her name was Edith Piaf.

It seems the icon of Edith Piaf has lodged itself firmly in people’s consciousness: a gentle, fragile girl who rose from street singer to soul-stirring chanteuse. Nobody could have sung as beautifully and uniquely as Edith without not only having glimpsed but also tasted the dark side of life. The saying “only those who have endured hell can speak of paradise” undeniably applies to Edith.

The production was selected to compete in the 2004 Maribor Theatre Festival (Borštnikovo srečanje), where award-winning Vesna Pernarčič received the Best Actor Prize.


Vesna Pernarčič

Vesna first began performing professionally in her third year at the Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television as Mirandolina in P. Turrini’s Die Wirtin directed by Samo Strelec (ZATO Theatre, Ptuj). After graduation, she joined the acting ensemble of the Slovenian Permanent Theatre in Trieste. After three years, she became member of the Prešeren Theatre Kranj, where her first role was that of Micka in Županova Micka (The Mayor’s Daughter) directed by V. Taufer. She is currently member of the Prešeren Theatre Kranj.

Selected awards: žlahtna komedijantka (awarded to actors in Slovenian comedy, 2019, 2012, 2007, 2005), Best Actor Award at the Maribor Theatre Festival (2018, 2004), Prešeren Fund Award (2014)

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Piaf, Edith Piaf - anniversary show marking the 20th season

21 Dec 20:00
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16,00 | 20,00 EUR

12,00 | 17,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Directed by: Tijana Zinajić
Dramaturg: Andrej Jaklič
Costume and set design: Jasna Vastl
Music Director: Žare Prinčič
Lighting design: Igor Remeta
Sound design: Matej Pernarčič

Performed by:Edith: Vesna Pernarčič
Pianist: Joži Šalej
Production: KD Gledališče EU enigma ustvarjanja



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