23 Oct 2023 19:30

Qudus Onikeku: Re:incarnation

Afro-funk, breakdance, hip hop! Danced and performed live!

Re:Incarnation is a tremendous piece, a dance spectacle from Nigeria offering much to enjoy while also inviting reflection.

Ob utripajočih urbanih ritmih Lagosa, prekipevajočega od mladostne energije, se nigerijski plesalec in koreograf Qudus Onikeku vrača k afrobeatu sedemdesetih, v kombinaciji s sodobnimi slogi, kot so hip-hop, dancehall in funky house. Re:inkarnacija je zgrajena okoli treh stopenj reinkarnacije: rojstva, smrti in novega rojstva. Delo zaznamujejo jasno izrisane, močne osebnosti izvajalcev, ki jih nosi skupinska energija. Vsak od njih tradicijo afrobeata Fele Kutija samosvoje prevaja v sodobne plesne in glasbene sloge. S tem Re:INKARNACIJA izžareva moč črne kulture, njeno brezkompromisno radoživost in sposobnost večnega preporoda.

Produkcije Qudusa Onikekuja so z velikim uspehom gostovale mdr. na Beneškem in Lyonskem bienalu ter na festivalu v Avignonu. V Re:inkarnaciji Onikeku zgradi most do povsem nove generacije nigerijskih odrskih umetnikov, ki lastno ustvarjalnost dandanes oplajajo z Instagramom. Sodobne glasbene plesne oblike z vsega sveta danes spoznavamo preko pametnega telefona. V Lagosu, enem najgosteje naseljenih mest afriške celine, je to zanetilo ustvarjalno eksplozijo in vznik nadvse vitalne mladinske kulture.

Zanimivo se mi je zdelo, da ti mladi znova zajemajo iz energije šestdesetih in sedemdesetih let, jo reaktivirajo, obnavljajo, reinkarnirajo v sedanjosti, zavedno ali nezavedno prežeto z družbenimi boji preteklosti in sedanjosti.

Qudus Onikeku

Re:Incarnation is a dance, music, fashion and visual art creation, that showcases the depth of ancient Yoruba philosophy, mixed with the current Nigerian youth culture. It is the work of a group of Nigerian dancers marked by the rhythm and groove of Lagos. Paying tribute to this richness, the choreography is written with a highly musical structure, combined with an intricate and carefully designed visual aesthetics, all layered in three parts.

The throughline of the story is about a cyclical transition between life and death and back again. And as the show starts, the dancers begin to replicate the movements of daily human life in a robotic fashion. They work, meet, and have intercourse with stiff, staccato movements. They rotate through encounters with one another, with overall message being how we are mere puppets or automata, and our existence is not really life at all. But, then, as if someone shouted TGIF, the dancers shed this first identity and change into colourful clothing on stage. 

They break-out into an energetic revelry that melds traditional movements with contemporary styles of Afro-funk, breakdance, and hip hop. 

Re:Incarnation is a tremendous piece, offering much to enjoy while also inviting reflection.

Over the past decade Nigerian choreographer Qudus Onikeku has established himself as one of the preeminent multi-talented artists, working today in different media: performance, film, installation, curating and community organizing. Onikeku’s international artistic research intersects between his interest in body memory and finding new vocabularies for performance, embracing an artistic vision that both respects and challenges Yoruba culture and contemporary dance. He has created a substantial body of critically acclaimed work that ranges from solos to group works, as well as artist-to-artist collaborations with visual artists or architects, musicians or writers.

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Qudus Onikeku: Re:incarnation

23 Oct 2023 19:30
23 Oct 2023 19:30
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17,00 | 23,00 | 26,00 | 29,00 EUR

15,00 | 21,00 | 23,00 | 26,00 EUR * *visitors aged under 25, over 65 and pensioners

Concept and artistic direction: Qudus Onikeku

Dancers: Adila Omotosho, Bethel Wisdom, Angela Okolo, Esther Essien, Busayo Olowu, Faith Okoh, Joshua Gabriel, Sunday Ozegbe, Patience Ebute, Addy Daniel

Live music: Olantunde Obajeun, Victor Ademofe

Production: The Qdance Company Lagos, YK Projects

Produkcija Nigerija: The QDance Company – Lagos: Hajarat Alli & Adelu Oyindamade
Produkcija Francija: YK Projects



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