30 Oct 2020 20:00

Space between us - cancelled or postponed

Choreography: Anja Mejač, Alejandro Granados

In compliance with the restrictive measures taken by the Government of RS to limit the second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, Cankarjev dom has cancelled or rescheduled all events. All exhibitions are temporarily closed.

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Anja Mejač is a young Slovenian performer who presents and explores flamenco dancing in an original way. Her projects fall under the contemporary exploration of the medium of dancing that mixes with various forms of traditional flamenco. The same goes for the project that will be presented at the second edition of the international festival BiFlamenko.

Me estas toreando?

The competition takes place in an arena into which the bull was called. It wasn’t its decision to come, all it knows is that the sand has replaced the meadow. Since it doesn’t see colours it is the movement that provokes it. The torero wants to control the bull’s body, so he carries a loaded revolver around his waist. How can the bull fight, when it has knives in its flesh and it is bleeding? Something that used to be a muscle instantly becomes meat, decorated with flowers. Al toro le falta el ritmo.
The performance Prostor med nama je najin odnos (Space Between Us) connects traditional symbolism of Spanish-style bullfighting with discussions about acceptance of human nature that draws anorganic borders in the organic world of relations. It is based on flamenco dance and intertwines it with contemporary performance and movement approaches.
The bodies intertwine, the beastly becomes human, an arena is suddenly inside an arena, there is a sound of a different space that reverberates in our space, we are getting closer to the island of sirens. Me estas toreando? The bull enters the arena. The space be

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Space between us - cancelled or postponed

30 Oct 2020 20:00
30 Oct 2020 20:00
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14 EUR

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Author: Anja Mejač
Choreography: Anja Mejač, Alejandro Granados
Movement consultation: Jurij Konjar
Original music, sound design: Bowrain
Costumography: Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič
Light design: Igor Remeta
Visual consultation: Bastien Beheretche
Video: Črt Potočnik
Photography: Črt Potočnik, Tjaša Gnezda, Tine Lisjak

The performers: Anja Mejač, Andraž Harauer, Bowrain, Vasja Štukelj

Special thanks: Katja Černe, Ena Kurtalić

Production: Skladišče 172
Co-production: Cankarjev dom

Financial support: Zavarovalnica Sava, GENERALI zavarovalnica d.d., NJT d.o.o., VIZIJA HOLDING, k.d.d., Embajada de España en Eslovenia, S-5 naložbe, Medius d.o.o.




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