Past event
30 Dec 2022 20:00

Svetlana Makarovič: Dead Man Comes for His Mistress

Prešeren Theatre Kranj

The breathtakingly beautiful and multi award-winning play Dead Man Comes for His Mistress is based on the eponymous folk song as well as Slovenian poet France Prešeren’s adaptation of Bűrger’s Lenore. While adopting the magical rhythm of folk tradition, the author, Svetlana Makarovič, tackles the narrative poem from different angles and offers a signature reworking. She introduces two protagonists, two Micka characters, who fight for dominance and survival. Moreover, there is also Sveti Tadej, an errand boy, a seer, a confession-taker. And two mothers. Micka’s and Mlinar’s. None of them was able to escape the sharp pen of Makarovič and the insightful direction of Jernej Lorenci. 

Special Jury Award for Live Music Performance at the 38th Fadil Hadžić Days of Satire (2014), Zagreb
Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia (DGKTS) Award for Best Performance of the Season 2013/2014 at the 49th Maribor Theatre Festival (2014) 
Ana Urbanc - Borštnik Award for Best Young Actress at the 49th Maribor Theatre Festival (2014)
Branko Rožman - Borštnik Award for Best Music at the 49th Maribor Theatre Festival (2014)
Borut Veselko - Best Male Actor Award at the 1st European Theatre Festival FETT (2016), Tuzla


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Svetlana Makarovič: Dead Man Comes for His Mistress

30 Dec 2022 20:00
30 Dec 2022 20:00
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18,00 | 22,00 EUR

16,00 EUR * * EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence, za sedeže najnižje cenovne kategorije

Text by: Svetlana Makarovič
Director: Jernej Lorenci
Composer: Branko Rožman

Cast: Vesna Pernarčič, Miha Rodman, Aljoša Ternovšek, Darja Reichman,  Borut Veselko, Vesna Jevnikar, Ana Urbanc (guest artist), Ema Kobal (guest artist), Ciril Roblek (guest artist)

Co-production with Ptuj City Theatre 



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