Past event
9 Jul 2024 20:30

Urša Rupnik: Re/Invented (Iz/najdena) - cancelled

A continuation of Urša Rupnik's body of work and the second part of the project Historicizing Slovenian Contemporary Dance.

Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The performance Re/Invented (Iz/najdena) scheduled for July 9, 2024 is cancelled due to illness. Please send us your purchased tickets (or e-tickets) by July 18, 2024 to and we will refund the purchase price.
For further information please contact:


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Iz/najdena (Re/Invented) takes an in-depth look at a dance piece by Živa Kraigher, Ballade No. 1 in G minor (1989), her last work marked by a highly intricate and stylized choreography. The Ballade’s dramaturgy is driven by an intense inner development with crescendos and diminuendos, the ups and downs that tellingly reveal traces of Živa Kraigher’s experience of the world and her turbulent lifestyle at that time. In addition to recontextualizing the dance-stylistic concept and thematic idea of the dance piece, the project also delves into the intimate stories revolving around this great artist and dedicated dance pedagogue. These stories continue to remain alive today; most notably through dance, when seeking to create a balance between Živa’s motto “And now once again for the sake of art!”, and the Ballade’s concluding exclamation, the daring cry: 

“No! – Here I am, just the way I want to be!”

(Kraigher, 2016, 325). 

Nakup vstopnic

Urša Rupnik: Re/Invented (Iz/najdena) - cancelled

28 Dec 2023 20:00
29 Dec 2023 20:00
9 Jul 2024 20:30
28 Dec 2023 20:00
29 Dec 2023 20:00
9 Jul 2024 20:30
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12,00 EUR

10,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Author and dancer: Urša Rupnik
Dancers and co-creators: Luka Ostrež, Ursus Dancers (Katarina Bogataj, Dijana Džamastagić, Anja Firicki, Katja Kučina, Hana Murovec, Kaja Marion Ribnikar, Maja Maša Šömen, Ina Trefalt, Nika Zidar, Vesna Wolf)

Original music: David Kocmur, David Nik Lipovac, Patricija Škof 
Dramaturgy: Zala Mojca Jerman Kuželički
Choreography advisor: Maša Kagao Knez 
Costume design: Anka Rener Kremžar
Lightning designer: Uroš Gorjanc
Potos: Marijo Županov

Production: Studio za svobodni ples, society
Co-production: Cankarjev dom, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Plesni Epicenter
Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia (within the framework of Avtorski opus 2022–2023)



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