3 Oct 2021 18:00

Nana’s Songs

Concert and ballet performance

Želela sem ustvariti čarobno, poetično, subtilno predstavo. Kot nekakšen sprehod po spominih v popolnoma novem gledališkem žanru.
Valentina Turcu

The project is based on Nanine pesmi, a music picture book comprising Frane Milčinski – Ježek’s lesser-known poetry performed by Nana Milčinski. The subject of the seventeen poems is the poet’s granddaughter, Nana, on whose initiative the poems were set to music and included in the collection Preprosta ljubezen (Simple Love).

Aimed at our youngest audiences, the tenderly autobiographical Nana’s Songs (Nanine pesmi) blends music, dance, theatre and video to tell an enchanting story about a little girl discovering the worlds of drawing, play and fantasy in the company of her doting grandfather. The meeting of the grandfather (Frane Milčinski - Ježek), granddaughter (Nana Milčinski) and their art comes to life as an encounter between two generations in a special place – the peace that humans get to experience only at the end or the beginning of their lives.

Nakup vstopnic

Nana’s Songs

3 Oct 2021 18:00
3 Oct 2021 18:00
Ljubljana premiere
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10,00 EUR

5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si

Director and choreographer: Valentina Turcu
Song lyrics: Frane Milčinski - Ježek
Music arrangements: Jani Hace, Matija Krečič
Scripted passages: Nejc Gazvoda
Music: Peter Penko, Jan Medle, Anja Pavlin, Jani Hace, Tomaž Okroglič Rous
Video: Andrej Intihar
Set design: Matic Kašnik
Costume design: Nataša Recer
Performed by: Nana Milčinski, Bojan Maroševič and SNG Maribor ballet ensemble
Co-production: Cankarjev dom and the Slovenian National Theatre SNG Maribor

Zasedba baleta :
ŽENSKE:                         MOŠKI:
Ema Perič                       Tiberiu Marta
Adriana Cioata                Sytze Jan Luske
Metka Masten                 Jan Trninič
Ines Uroševič                  Vadim Kurgajev
Tanja Baronik                  Mircea Golescu
Cristian Popovici
Lucio Mautone

Simfonični orkester SNG Maribor
Koncertna mojstra: Oksana Pečeny Dolenc, Saša Olenjuk

Koprodukcija Cankarjevega doma iz Ljubljane ter Drame, Opere in Baleta SNG Maribor



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