A Poem about Odysseus
10 May 2019 18:00

A Poem about Odysseus

A rhapsodyssey for two after Homer

Theatre performance

For audiences aged 11 +

A music-sound performance containing elements of narrative theatre and theatre of objects, A Poem about Odysseus draws inspiration from the creators’ fascination with ancient Greek mythology, theatre and music; a cross-genre hybrid focusing on some of the most gripping moments from Odysseus’ wanderings, spanning a whole decade, as he tries to return home after the Trojan War and reassert his place as the rightful king of Ithaca. The text tackles Homer’s epic poem composed nearly three thousand years ago with reverence, whilst maintaining critical distance. With utter seriousness and wit, the show arrives at the conclusion that man’s greatest struggle is still the struggle with oneself and one’s own immoderation.


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A Poem about Odysseus

10 May 2019 18:00
10 May 2019 18:00
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7'50 EUR

5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si

Trajanje: 55 minut

Avtorica besedila in dramaturginja: Jera Ivanc
Režiserka: Ivana Djilas
Avtor glasbe: Boštjan Gombač
Scenografinja in kostumografinja: Barbara Stupica
Nastopata: Pia Zemljič in Boštjan Gombač
Produkcija: Cankarjev dom



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