Season 2023/24

Art Critics' Choice Series

Artist Presentation Series selected by the Slovenian Art Critics Association

Past event
Until 11 Sep 2023
Admission free

Past event
19 Sep 2023 - 15 Jan 2024
Admission free

Past event
16 January – 11 March 2024
Prost vstop

Past event
12 March – 13 May 2024
Admission free

Past event
14. maj - 1. jul. 2024
Admission free

2. Jul – 3 Oct 2024
Prost vstop

15 Oct 2024 - 06 Jan 2025
Prost vstop

An annual series of four exhibitions, each featuring an art critic and an artist, in which the critic selects an artist and presents their work with critical commentary. 

Presented by the Slovenian Art Critics Association – SDLK in cooperation with Cankarjev dom, the series provides the broader public with updates on contemporary art, thus pursuing its mission of popularizing visual arts. Between 1985 and 1988, the exhibitions were held on a monthly basis as presentations titled Artwork of the Month with a distinctive silver leaf, and were renamed Art Critics' Choice in 2008. In 2024, we are introducing a new concept with the ‘curator of the series’. Maja Kač is the first to assume this role, choosing four critics who will be entrusted with the selection and presentation of an artist. Each even year, during the Biennial of Slovenian Illustration the series will include a fifth exhibition –Art Critics’ Choice ... Illustrations.

This year’s selection of critics and artists:
•    16 January 2024 Critic: Maša Žekš; artist: Patrik Dvorščak
•    12 March 2024 Critic: Sara Nuša Golob Grabner; artist: Blažka Križan
•    14 May 2024 Critic:  Iza Pevec; artist: Nataša Berk
•    2 July 2024 Critic: Meta Kordiš, artist: Tanja Lažetić

About the Association
Established in 1973, the Slovenian Art Critics Association – SDLK brings together art critics seeking to develop critical thought in all areas of fine arts and architecture, urban planning and design. Its mission is to substantiate and promote critical theory in the expanded field of fine arts and visual culture, to support the development of methodological tools of art criticism, to constantly reflect on its position in society and document the existing state of affairs, to protect moral, professional interests and the rights of its members, and contribute to the popularization of the profession. The first president of the Association, which at the time of its establishment consisted of forty-four members, was Aleksander Bassin. Throughout the five decades of its existence, the Association's presidents were Stane Bernik, Peter Krečič, Brane Kovič, Gojko Zupan, Meta Gabršek-Prosenc, Judita Krivec Dragan, Boris Groupič, Saša Nabegoj and the current president Nadja Zgonik. In 2023, the Association celebrated its 50th anniversary at Cankarjev dom.

In the past, the Association kept abreast of new developments in art criticism and continually monitored the overall situation by organizing round tables and symposia, and in the period between 2006 and 2016 through operational partnership with the Velenje Gallery where SDLK annually organized thematic group exhibitions related to current events and topics, most notably the particularly high-profile presentation  much-publicized showcase Pogledi na slovensko kiparstvo 1975-2015 (Perspectives on Slovenian Sculpture 1975-2015). From 2008 to 2016, the Association published eight volumes of the publication Forum: revija Slovenskega društva likovnih kritikov (Forum: Magazine of the Slovenian Art Critics Association) featuring articles by its members. In 2014 (until 2017 and from 2023), in cooperation with Cankarjev dom, the Association introduced the annual Kritiško Pero Awards ("Critical Pen") – prizes honouring the achievements in professional art criticism (Lifetime Achievement Award, Award for Art Criticism and Curatorship, Young Critic Award). SDLK maintains strong international ties, working in close partnership with the Slovenian section of the International Association of Art Critics – AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d ‘Art, within the framework of UNESCO).


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