9 sep 2018 - 4 apr 2019

Tuesday Clubbing / Cankarjevi torki 2018/19

Relaxed concert evenings with a view across diverse musical genres and the city skyscape at the CD Club.

Foto Willett
Past event
4 Sep
12 EUR

Foto Valentina Pavone
Past event
11 Sep
12 EUR

Past event
Foto Tina Ramujkić
Past event
23 Oct
18 EUR

Past event
30 Oct
15 EUR

Past event
6 to 22 Nov
12 EUR

Past event
Foto Stella K
Past event
4 Dec
12 EUR

Foto Polona Ponikvar
Past event
11 Dec
12 EUR

Past event
12 Feb
12 EUR

Past event
Past event
19 Mar
12 EUR

Past event
26 Mar
15 EUR

Past event
Past event
16 Apr
12 EUR

Nagrajeno vokalistko, tekstopisko in producentko Sofío Rei (v Cankarjevih torkih se je že predstavila z vokalnim kvartetom Mycale) štejemo za eno najbolj strastnih in inventivnih glasov na trenutni glasbeni sceni v New Yorku.

Past event
23 Apr
15 EUR

The New Standard Trio feat. Jamie Saft, Steve Swallow & Bobby Previte

Past event
Past event
17 Nov
12 EUR

Become member of the Cankarjevi torki Club and enjoy special benefits:

- 40% discount on tickets for the Cankarjevi torki concerts
- you can purchase your tickets up to 15 minutes prior to a concert when booking them a day in advance at Evstopnice@cd-cc.si
- 10% discount on individual tickets for the Music of the World concerts
- Cankarjevi torki members take part in prize competition to win complimentary festival passes for the Skopje Jaz Festival, Jazz Cerkno and Jazz Festival Ljubljana

Annual membership fee: EUR 20
The card is non-transferable; membership lasts 1 year from the purchase date.

Your event in our venue

So much more than just four walls – It’s creating experiences


© Cankarjev dom

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