22. in 23. nov. 17:00

Two days of Pax Cultura
Pax Cultura – Peace through Culture / India – Fiery Stronghold of Culture

Organised by: Mednarodni kulturno-znanstveni center Pax Cultura /(International Cultural-Scientific Center Pax Cultura)
In cooperation with: Indo - European comparative linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Pax Cultura - Peace through culture is the slogan of the peace movement that should bring peace to all nations and destroy the very possibility of war through culture. The true concept of culture must be explained again and again and implanted in human consciousness, so that humanity begins to experience it as something sacred, so that humanity never sins against cultural values and, at the same time, against the very creator and bearer of these values - the living human being. The consciousness of the world should be gained with culture, beauty and knowledge should conquer, and all-encompassing and all-understanding spirituality should win. Where there is culture, there is also peace. There is also an achievement and a real solution to the most difficult social problems. Culture is the accumulation of the highest goodness, the highest beauty, the highest knowledge.

The purpose of the event is to spread the best of ancient and modern thought in the fields of art, science and spirit, and their common beauty forms that great concept of culture that points to the salvation of all mankind. We sincerely wish that the light from the rainbow of these achievements should inspire all hearts, all nations and all religions, in brotherhood, towards peaceful development.

It is urgent that, amidst the world's confusion and turmoil, strongholds and beacons of Culture should emerge.

N. K. Roerich

India is a country of high culture, with spiritually cultivated inhabitants and accumulated knowledge that has never been lost since ancient times. Many people have experienced the magnetism of India. The secret of its great appeal lies above all in the continuity of its cultural tradition. There is no country in the world where centuries-old cultural traditions have been preserved as in India. Fate and the gods wanted to be at least one country on the planet that would be able to clearly and convincingly demonstrate the evolutionary essence of culture and beauty.

Culture and Peace—the most sacred goal of humanity! In the days of great unrest, both material and spiritual, the disturbed spirit yearns for these radiant strongholds

N. K. Rerih


Friday, 22 November 2024
17:00 – 18:30
Lecture: Understanding and Appreciating Indian Classical Music and Rhythm
Rohan Dasgupta, sitar maestro & Pandit Udai Mazumdar, tabla maestro
Break: 30 minutes
19:00 – 20:30
Concert of Traditional Indian Classical Music
Rohan Dasgupta: sitar & Pandit Udai Mazumdar: tabla

Saturday, 23 November 2024
17:00 – 18:45
Lecture: The Multi-layered Messages of Indian Myths
Biljana Dušić, MD
Break: 15 minutes
19:00 – 20:30
Theatrical Performance: The Play of the Middle (Madhyamavyāyoga)
An early classical Sanskrit one-act play (3rd century CE) by the renowned Sanskrit playwright Bhāsa
Translation and direction: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luka Repanšek, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Performed by: Ancient Indian Theatre Group, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Musical accompaniment: Rohan Dasgupta, sitar maestro

The performance will be conducted according to the principles of ancient Indian theatre and will be in Sanskrit with Slovenian and English subtitles.

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Two days of Pax Cultura

22. in 23. nov. 17:00
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50,00 EUR


Rohan Dasgupta, sitar maestro
Pandit Udai Mazumdar, tabla maestro
Biljana Dušić, MD

Theatrical Performance: The Play of the Middle (Madhyamavyāyoga)
An early classical Sanskrit one-act play (3rd century CE) by the renowned Sanskrit playwright Bhāsa
Translation and direction: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luka Repanšek, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Performed by: Ancient Indian Theatre Group, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Musical accompaniment: Rohan Dasgupta, sitar maestro



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