14 Oct 2024 19:00

Salon with a View: Petra Hůlová

Literary evening

Czech writer Petra Hůlová won the hearts of readers already with her debut novel, All This Belongs to Me (Paměť mojí babičce, 2002), which won the prestigious Magnesia Litera Award for Discovery of the Year in the Czech Republic and was named Best Novel of the Year by the Czech daily Lidové noviny. All her subsequent works testify to Hůlová’s masterful storytelling – skilfully interlacing the personal stories of her characters with broader social and cultural issues. 

She defines her writings as "3G": always working with the topics of gender, generations, and geography. Hůlová’s works that have been translated into Slovenian include the novels Tajga Station (Stanice Tajga, Cankarjeva založba, 2016), in which she juxtaposes the European spirit against Siberian culture, and A Brief History of The Movement (Stručné dějiny Hnutí, Cankarjeva založba, 2020), a dystopic account of feminist dictatorship whose victims are not only men. 

Hůlová holds a degree in Culturology from Prague's Charles University. She lived in Mongolia for a year as an exchange student after having studied the language and culture for several years. She was a Fulbright scholar in the US at New York University’s Department of Anthropology.

The event will be held in English with Slovenian translation. 

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Salon with a View: Petra Hůlová

14 Oct 2024 19:00
14 Oct 2024 19:00
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