22 Nov 2023 19:00

TV and Security

Accompanying educational programme

JFK was a TV president. The nationally televised Kennedy-Nixon presidential debate sealed his victory over Nixon. Columnist, former TV presenter and on-camera coach, Leon Magdalenc will analyse Kennedy as the star of the first televised presidential face-off. At the same time, JFK was a president of photo sessions. He would never miss a photo opportunity. Anytime anyplace. Even when it was dangerous. In Dallas, for example. Bojan Oman from the Security and Protection Centre at the General Police Directorate will analyse how Kennedy's assassination changed the guidelines on the protection of government officials. 

The interview will be moderated by Ali Žerdin, the Museum of Press curator, a journalist and editor. 
Held in Slovenian with no translation.

Nakup vstopnic

TV and Security

22 Nov 2023 19:00
22 Nov 2023 19:00
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