15 Jun 2021 19:30

Gorišek / Lazar

solo / solo / duo

Bojan Gorišek, Milko Lazar, piano

The Solo / Duo / Solo subseries will conclude in a slightly different vein, with the piano duo Gorišek / Lazar, two of Slovenia’s most prominent contemporary piano artists, and a select programme.
It has been ages since the two gave a double piano concert at CD’s Small Gallery. On this occasion, however, in addition to playing together, they will each perform a solo programme. And what have they been up to lately? Working on a heap of brilliant projects which have won prestigious awards, performing at home and abroad, and releasing albums so listenable that just put them on repeat. And if you haven't had a chance to hear them, now is the time to come and listen to them live, especially because they will play first-class pianos in the best acoustic environment.

This will be the first Tuesday Clubbing event for a live audience since October 2020. Let's celebrate the occasion together.


Cankarjevi torki annual membership
Get an annual Cankarjevi torki membership and enjoy special benefits:
- 40% discount on tickets for Cankarjevi torki concerts
- you can purchase your tickets up to 15 minutes before a concert when booking them a day in advance at vstopnice@cd-cc.si
- 10% discount on tickets for individual concerts comprising the Music of the World series and Jazz Festival Ljubljana
- Cankarjevi torki members take part in a prize competition to win complimentary festival passes for Jazz Festival Ljubljana

Membership fee: EUR 20
Membership lasts 1 year from the purchase date; the card is non-transferable,



Nakup vstopnic

Gorišek / Lazar

15 Jun 2021 19:30
15 Jun 2021 19:30
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15,00 EUR

5 % popusta ob nakupu na cd-cc.si



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