Photo: Darja Štravs Tisu
25 Oct 19:30

Matjaž Farič: Nezaželeni (The Unwanted)

(dancers and homeless people)
Dance and theatre performance

The Unwanted, a performance in two parts (dance and theatre), is based on real events.

In 2021, two worlds collided on Ljubljana's Prekmurski trg.
The incident between a group of contemporary dancers and a group of homeless people sounds too unbelievable to be true. Even so, it reflects an everyday reality where conflict plays such an overbearing role it has encroached on society at large. The collision between two worlds as different as contemporary dancers and homeless people constitutes a complex problem impossible to assess by means of generalisations or distinctions between the privileged and the underprivileged, the good and the bad.

The contemporary dance performance is bookended by enacted scenes that impact the spectator's view of the dance performance. The yawning gulf between the worlds of the dancers and the homeless people raises questions about the powerlessness of art and aggression as a common response to it.

A dance troupe organises an artistic event in a square of a medium-sized town during a pandemic in early spring. As the dancers rehearse, homeless people start to gather nearby... The dancers keep dancing, and the homeless people, whose numbers are increasing, watch and comment wryly. Their comments become witty, the quips become hostile and insulting, the remarks become loud and eventually shouts, the abusive speech turns into threats and intimidation. The dancers keep dancing as if unaware of their surroundings, choosing to ignore the possibility of impending danger, even though the behaviour of the homeless persons portends conflict. The homeless begin to enter the choreography. The next moment the music stops, the choreographic sequence is concluded, and the dancers leave the scene.

Nakup vstopnic

Matjaž Farič: Nezaželeni (The Unwanted)

25 Oct 19:30
26 Oct 19:30
28 Oct 19:30
Show more

18,00 EUR

14,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Dancers: Urša Rupnik, Kristyna Peldova, Patricija Crnkovič, Bor Prokofjev, Luka Ostrež
Actors: Tina Resman, Veronika Valdes, Marinka Štern, Uroš Potočnik, Sebastjan Starič, Jure Žavbi
Voiceover: Katarina Stegnar
The performance also uses movement material from Druga stran (The Other Side), a show co-created by: Ana Cvelfar, April Veselko, Jerca Rožnik Novak, Kaja Vajdetič, Kaja Lin Jagodic Avguštin, Leon Marič, Patricija Crnkovič

Choreographer and director: Matjaž Farič
Lighting design: Matjaž Bajc
Music: Fukio Ensemble, Marc Mellits, Caroline Shaw
Costume design: Sanja Grcić
Assistant costume designer: Timotej Bistan
Photo: Darja Štravs Tisu

Production: Flota, zavod, Murska Sobota and Cankarjev dom
Co-production: Plesni teater Ljubljana, Flota Ljubljana

pecial thanks Marijan Sajovic, Inga Remeta, Dušan Kohek and the homeless people on Prekmurje Square in Ljubljana

Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana

Based on true events, The Unwanted forms part of a two-year choreographic oeuvre, which includes the musical The Unwanted to be staged in October 2025.



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