12 Feb 19:00

Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots and Identity I The End of Books and the Challenges of Religious Thinking in the Age of Textuality

Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots and Identity, Prof. Vojko Strahovnik, PhD, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Theology
The paper addresses the issue of interaction between humans and artificial intelligence systems, in particular the AI programs called Large Language Models (LLM), which form the basis for chatbots. The various issues surrounding this interaction will be addressed mainly from the perspective of identity. A main issue to examine is how identity is perceived and (trans)formed in the interaction between humans and AI.

The End of Books and the Challenges of Religious Thinking in the Age of Textuality, Assist. Prof. Luka Trebežnik, PhD, ZRS Koper (Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies) and ISH Alma Mater Europaea
The lecture addresses the question of how the end of books, especially as the end of a certain way of reading and approaching the truth, affects religions, especially Western religions intrinsically structured as religions of books/Scriptures. The age of digital textuality confronts us with hermeneutical challenges that are in many ways diametrically opposed to the old religious ways of interpreting the world. Can religions based on the idea of “in the beginning was the Word” transcend the age of books and fully affirm the age of textuality?  

Within the framework of the national research programme Constructive Theology in the Age of Digital Culture and the Anthropocene, ZRS Koper (Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies) and the Association for Comparative Religious Studies.

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Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots and Identity I The End of Books and the Challenges of Religious Thinking in the Age of Textuality

12 Feb 19:00
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