Past event
24 Apr 2024 19:30

Piano Trio

Janez Podlesek, violin; Karmen Pečar, cello; Aleksandar Serdar, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827): Piano Trio No. 7 in B-flat Major Op. 97 – “Erzherzog-Trio” (Archduke) 
Lucijan Marija Škerjanc (1900–1973): Maestoso lugubre for Piano Trio 
Johannes Brahms (1833–1897): Piano Trio No. 1 in H Major, Op. 8 (1889) 

The ensemble comprises three outstanding and renowned artists well-known to audiences in Slovenia who perfectly encapsulate what a complementary trio should be. Violinist Janez Podlesek has asserted himself as a long-time concertmaster of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Slovenian Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra. At the peak of his creative powers, Podlesek has now dedicated himself primarily to teaching and chamber music performance. Through her artistic endeavours, Karmen Pečar Koritnik achieved in her early career everything that a soloist can aspire towards. She has now devoted herself to a quiet career in music-making and arousing the passion for cello in young people through pedagogical work and as artistic director of the Cellofest Festival in Ljubljana. The paths of both Slovenian musicians have intertwined with the renowned Serbian pianist Aleksandar Serdar, who, in parallel with his diversified international solo career, found a new professional focus in Slovenia as a Professor at the Ljubljana Academy of Music.


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Piano Trio

24 Apr 2024 19:30
24 Apr 2024 19:30
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20,00 EUR

15,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

In cooperation with im.puls Art

Past event
18 Jan 2023 19:00

National Youth Orchestra of Germany

Conductor: Francesco Angelico

Soloist: Christian Tetzlaff, violin

Luigi Dallapiccola, Variations for Orchestra
Josef Suk, Fantasy in G minor, Op. 24, for violin and orchestra
Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony No. 11 in G minor Op. 103, “The Year 1905”

The National Youth Orchestra of Germany (Bundesjugendorchester), which brings together young musicians between the ages of 14 and 19, was founded by the German Music Council in 1969, and has been an official partner of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra since 2013.

Sir Simon Rattle has been Conductor Laureate of the National Youth Orchestra of Germany since 2018. The young musicians have the opportunity to work together with renowned conductors, including Herbert von Karajan, Kurt Masur, Gerd Albrecht, Gustavo Dudamel, Andris Nelsons, Ingo Metzmacher and Kirill Petrenko. The orchestra frequently tours the world as a cultural ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

The National Youth Orchestra of Germany starts a new concert year together with an old friend, Christian Tetzlaff. The world-renowned violinist, who was a member and concertmaster of this orchestra between 1979 and 1983, will be the soloist in Fantasy in G minor, Op. 24 for violin and orchestra by Josef Suk. During the intensive rehearsal periods before their international tours, the orchestra prepares challenging works from all historical eras; the evening’s programme thus opens with Variations for Orchestra by Italian composer Luigi Dallapiccola and concludes with the Symphony No. 11 by Dmitri Shostakovich. Francesco Angelico, General Music Director of the Hessisches Staatstheater Kassel, will conduct the orchestra for the first time.

The honorary guest of the concert is the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, who will attend the event with her spouse.



I love this orchestra. You play beautifully and you are our future. With the music in your hands, I am full of hope.
Sir Simon Rattle

With cooperation



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National Youth Orchestra of Germany

18 Jan 2023 19:00
18 Jan 2023 19:00
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30,00 EUR

15,00 EUR * *za mlajše od 25 let

In cooperation with German Music Council, German Federal Foreign Office and Goethe-Institut Ljubljana.

Past event
7 Dec 2022 19:30

Dimitrije Savić, bass baritone & Rebeka Pregelj, soprano

Vocal evening
In cooperation with Jeunesses Musicales Ljubljana

Eva Ostanek (2000): 
Preživu bom (besed. Andrej Rozman Roza)

Marjan Kozina (1907–1966): 
Cigan (besed. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj)

Petar Konjović (1883–1970): 
O, poglej (besed. Jovan Jovanović Zmaj)

Modest Petrovič Musorgski (1839–1881): 
Pesmi in plesi smrti (besed. Arsenij Goleniščev Kutuzov):


Claude Debussy (1862–1918):
Quatre chansons de jeunesse (Štiri pesmi iz mladosti)
Pantomime (Pantomima, besed. Paul Verlaine)
Clair de lune (Mesečina, besed. Paul Verlaine)
Pierrot (besed. Théodore de Banville)
Apparition (Privid, besed. Stéphane Mallarmé)

Marijan Lipovšek (1910–1995):
Izbor samospevov iz cikla Sončece, sij! (besed. Stana Vinšek):
Sončece, sij!
Na trati
Dve o račkah

Leonard Bernstein (1918–1990):
I Hate Music! (Sovražim glasbo!)
My Name is Barbara (Ime mi je Barbara)
Jupiter Has Seven Moons (Jupiter ima sedem lun)
I Hate music! (Sovražim glasbo!)
A Big Indian and a Little Indian (Veliki in mali Indijanec)
I'm a Person Too (Tudi jaz sem človek)


Dimitrije Savić je rojen v Srbiji. Leta 2018 je zaključil osnovni študij glasbene pedagogike na Akademiji umetnosti v Novem Sadu, kjer je prav tako zaključil srednjo glasbeno šolo iz solopetja. Istega leta se je vpisal na Akademijo za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer se solopetje uči v razredu profesorice Pie Brodnik in Edite Garčević Koželj. Od leta 2021 je študent magistrskega študija. V času študija je pel v vlogah: Klavdij (Agrippina, G. F. Handel); Bertrand (Devica Orleanska, P. I. Čajkovski) ter Kralj Eldorada in Kralj Herman Augustus (Kandid, L. Bernstein).  V oktobru 2021 je začel sodelovati s pianistko Rebeko Dobravec, s katero sta junija 2022 na mednarodnem tekmovanju Sem glasba, sem mesto v Novem mestu osvojila drugo mesto in srebrno plaketo ter posebno nagrado Zavoda PerArtem. Oktobra 2022 sta nastopila v okviru mednarodnega cikla Simfonic voices v Kopru ter cikla Glasbene matice Ljubljana Samospevi v Viteški dvorani Križank.

Rebeka Dobravec študira klavir v razredu prof. Tatjane Ognjanovič. Pogosto nastopa kot solistka in kot članica različnih komornih skupin. V letih 2016 in 2020 se je predstavila v ciklu Ob klavirju, posnetki njenega igranja na koncertih pa so bili predvajani tudi v oddajah radia ARS. Od leta 2019 igra z Nežo Nahtigal in Taro Korica v Klavirskem triu TRN, s katerim so bile v lanski sezoni izbrane za nastope v sklopu ciklov Solo e da camera in GM oder. Na mednarodnem virtualnem tekmovanju OPUS 2021 so osvojile tretjo nagrado. Predstavile so se tudi v Bruslju in na Dunaju. Zaradi svojih dosežkov je od leta 2018 štipendistka Mestne občine Ljubljana.


Sopranistka Rebeka Pregelj zaključuje magistrski študij petja na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani v razredu prof. Barbare Jernejčič Fürst. Upodobila je naslovno vlogo v operi Agrippina G. F. Händla, vlogo Laurette (Puccini, Gianni Schicchi) in Paquette (Bernstein, Kandid) ter v koncertnih izvedbah vlogo Susanne (Mozart, Figarova svatba), Rosine (Rossini, Seviljski brivec) in Micaële (Bizet, Carmen). Je prejemnica številnih nagrad in priznanj na mnogih tekmovanjih (TEMSIG, Lav Mirski, Seghizzi, Aegis Carminis idr.). Poleg opere se posveča tudi samospevu. Recitale samospevov je pripravila znotraj koncertnih ciklov Glasbene mladine Slovenije, Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica, Zavoda PerArtem in z njimi nastopila v Slovenski filharmoniji in Kazinski dvorani SNG Maribor. Kot solistka je nastopila pri izvedbi Pergolesijevega dela Stabat Mater. Sodelovala je pri krstnih izvedbah del slovenskih skladateljev srednje in mlajše generacije, kot so T. Svete, D. Močnik, B. Šaljić Podešva, T. Slakan, ter pri izvedbah sodobnih oper. Z ansamblom Neofonía je izvedla virtuozno skladbo Voi(rex) Philippa Lerouxa. Nastopila je na festivalih v Sloveniji, Italiji in na Hrvaškem (Festival Ljubljana, Cortina incanta la mente, Altolivenzafestival, Kogojevi dnevi, Imago Sloveniae). Sodelovala je z dirigenti, kot so G. Pehlivanian, S. Loy, S. Dvoršak, E. Mihajlović, N. Firšt, M. Grdadolnik, M. Lavrenčič, T. Draksler. Kot solistka je nastopila s Simfoničnim orkestrom SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, Baročnim orkestrom Akademije za glasbo, Komornim orkestrom Cantabile, Celjskim godalnim orkestrom idr. 

Pianistka Ana Maria Beguš je septembra 2019 z odliko magistrirala na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani v razredu red. prof. Tatjane Ognjanovič. V študijskem letu 2018/19 se je študijsko izpopolnjevala tudi v razredu prof. Rubena Dalibaltayana na akademiji Talent Music Master Courses v Brescii (Italija). Bila je štipendistka Mestne občine Ljubljana. Občinstvu se je predstavila na mnogih nastopih tako doma kot v tujini. 

Nakup vstopnic

Dimitrije Savić, bass baritone & Rebeka Pregelj, soprano

7 Dec 2022 19:30
7 Dec 2022 19:30
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5,00 EUR

Past event
15 Sep 2022 19:30

The Creation

Slovenian Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra
Conductor: Bart Van Reyn

Liesbeth Devos, soprano
Peter Gijsbertsen, tenor
James Newby, baritone

Joseph Haydn, The creation, Hob. XXI:2

During one of his visits to London, Haydn was completely enchanted by Handel’s magnificent oratorios. After returning to Vienna, he joined forces with librettist Gottfried van Swieten and set about composing his first oratorio, which provides a unique description of the creation of the world in seven days. The oratorio, in which the composer also employs fascinating tone painting, such as in the introductory presentation of chaos, has been considered one of the most magnificent works of the entire music repertoire since its first performance.

Nakup vstopnic

The Creation

15 Sep 2022 19:30
15 Sep 2022 19:30
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10,00 | 18,00 | 23,00 | 28,00 EUR

5% discount on online purchases

Past event
16 Feb 2022 19:30

Ana Dolžan, violin & Tim Jančar, piano - postponed

In cooperation with Ljubljana Musical Youth

Ana Dolžan, violin
Tim Jančar, piano  
Ana Dolžan (b. 1992) graduated in violin from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana under Prof. Primož Novšak, and obtained her summa cum laude master's degree in June 2018. She is currently pursuing her postgraduate studies in Zurich with Prof. Andreas Janke. Ana Dolžan plays in various chamber ensembles, and is regular member of a string sextet (first violin) and the Trio Ad hoc. As a soloist, she has performed nationally and internationally with the Arseia String Orchestra, the Coastal Chamber Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of the Academy of Music, the SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra and the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2018, she became member of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra as tutti first violin, and has been the Orchestra’s concertmaster since October 2018. 

Tim Jančar (b.1993) obtained a master's degree (summa cum laude) from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana under Prof. Tatjana Ognjanovič in 2018. He is pursuing his postgraduate studies at the Mozarteum University Salzburg. He has won several national and international competitions, and received the Škrjanc Prize (2013) and the Prešeren Student Award (2017). As a soloist, he has performed with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, the Giuseppe Tartini Chamber Orchestra in the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra.

Tim and Ana embarked on a joint musical career in 2015 with the cellist Izak Hudnik in the Trio Ad hoc. They have been continuing their musical partnership ever since.

Nakup vstopnic

Ana Dolžan, violin & Tim Jančar, piano - postponed

16 Feb 2022 19:30
16 Feb 2022 19:30
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5,00 EUR

Past event
29 May 2021 19:30

Annual Concert of the Tone Tomšič Academic Choir, University of Ljubljana

Online event, premiere of a pre-recorded concert

5 to 100
Choral conductor: Jerica Bukovec 

Nakup vstopnic

Annual Concert of the Tone Tomšič Academic Choir, University of Ljubljana

29 May 2021 19:30
29 May 2021 19:30
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8,00 EUR

Past event
2 Dec 2020 19:30

Eva-Nina Kozmus, flute & Godalni kvartet Van Kuijk -cancelled or postponed

In compliance with the restrictive measures taken by the Government of RS to limit the second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic, Cankarjev dom has cancelled or rescheduled all events. All exhibitions are temporarily closed.

More about cancelled or postponed events >>

Amy Beach
Theme and Variations, for flute and strings, Op. 80
Joseph Haydn
Divertimento in G Major, Op. 5/2, Hob II: G4, Flute Quartet
Felix Mendelssohn
String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 13
Wolfgang A. Mozart
Flute Quartet in D Major, K 285

Founded in 2012, Quatuor Van Kuijk has been taking the world of music by storm, enchanting critics and audiences alike. The first French ensemble to have won the prestigious 2015 Wigmore Hall String Quartet Competition, Van Kuijk were also the BBC New Generation Artists (2015–17) and joined the ECHO Rising Stars roster for the 2017/2018 season.
Having achieved such notable successes early in their career, the Quatuor are an established presence at major international venues and enjoy highly visible musical partnerships with distinguished instrumentalists. This time they have joined forces with passionate flutist Eva-Nina Kozmus, soloist at the Opera de Limoges in France and the only Slovenian laureate of the prestigious Eurovision Young Musician competition (Vienna, 2010). Irish composer Sam Perkin dedicated his composition Eva to the talented instrumentalist, whilst works by Slovenian composers written especially for Eva-Nina have been compiled in the collection Razpoloženja. 
A popular genre in late 18th century, the flute quartet’s mellifluous combination of flute and strings inspired also Amy Beach, a pioneering American female composer of the late nineteenth century and a national symbol of women’s creative power.




All four players contribute to the extensive colour palette, precise blending and, where apt, the sense of fun that makes these well-judged, serious performances so vivid.
The Guardian

The confident and temperamental performance of the extremely talented and musical Eva-Nina Kozmus is distinguished by brilliant technique, as well as beautiful tone and cleanly articulated phrasing.

Nakup vstopnic

Eva-Nina Kozmus, flute & Godalni kvartet Van Kuijk -cancelled or postponed

2 Dec 2020 19:30
2 Dec 2020 19:30
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18, 24 EUR

5% discount on online purchases

9 Jun 2021 19:30

NOW 5: And I Saw People Being Mistreated Everywhere On Earth

Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Titus Engel
Soloists: Dietrich Henschel, bariton; Tomaž Sevšek, organ

Primož Ramovš, Organofonija
Johann Sebastian Bach, Cantata “Ich habe Genug”, BWV 82
Bernd Alois Zimmermann, Ich wandte mich und sah an alles Unrechte, das geschah unter
der Sonne  – Ecclesiastical Action



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NOW 5: And I Saw People Being Mistreated Everywhere On Earth

9 Jun 2021 19:30
9 Jun 2021 19:30
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Vstopnice: blagajna Slovenske filharmonije, med delavniki od 11. do 13. ure in od 15. do 17. ure ter uro pred prireditvijo.

5 % popusta ob nakupu na

25 March 2021 at 19:30

PC 4: Wedding Music

Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor and violin: Gordan Nikolić

Joseph Haydn, Violin Concerto in C major, Hob. VIIa:1 
Giuseppe Tartini, Violin Concerto in A major
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,  Serenade No. 7 in D major, K. 250, “Haffner

Nakup vstopnic

PC 4: Wedding Music

25 March 2021 at 19:30
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Spletni koncert

15 Apr 2021 19:30

SMS 5: Nekoč v morskem kraljestvu…

Orkester Slovenske filharmonije
Dirigent: Valentin Urjupin

Solist: Maximilian Hornung, violončelo

Marij Kogoj, Foxtrot iz suite Če se pleše
Dmitrij Šostakovič, Koncert za violončelo in orkester št. 2, op. 126
Alexander Zemlinsky, Mala morska deklica

Glasbeniki bodo pod taktirko dirigenta Valentina Urjupina koncert začeli s Foxtrotom iz suite Če se pleše skladatelja Marija Kogoja. Za komponiranje Koncerta za violončelo in orkester št. 2, op. 126 je Dmitrija Šostakoviča navdihnilo solistično mojstrstvo violončelista Mstislava Rostropoviča. Delo bo skupaj z orkestrom izvedel nemški violončelist Maximilian Hornung, ki danes sodi med najbolj izstopajoče virtuoze na svojem glasbilu. Je prejemnik nagrade ECHO, leta 2011 pa je bil imenovan za mladega umetnika leta. Koncert Samih mogočnih skladb bo sklenila simfonična pesnitev Mala morska deklica Aleksandra Zemlinskega.

V živo na

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SMS 5: Nekoč v morskem kraljestvu…

15 Apr 2021 19:30
15 Apr 2021 19:30
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spletni koncert

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